Tell me this is an internet hoax, please..



Yeah i ve read it also,it seems that they are starting losing it.
He's got a point, though. Even if that might not be very opportune or some consider it bad taste. But he has no right to deny something like that even if he wanted to. He could only ask politely if that Muslim congegration could build their mosque somewhere else.
He's got a point, though. Even if that might not be very opportune or some consider it bad taste. But he has no right to deny something like that even if he wanted to. He could noly ask politely if that Muslim congegration could build their mosque somewhere else.

Perhaps to much consideration asked for here......If the Muslim congregation had any feeling at all they shouldn't have even asked for planning permission, you might say that muslims are all not terrorist, but let's use some discretion here.
I hear a lot of Americans nowadays are ashamed to admit they voted for Obama.
But in fairness to them, 'Gramps' McCain was 10 years too old to be President, so he wasn't a credible alternative.
The Republicans tried to give him more credibility by making glam Sarah Palin his running mate but even she couldn't sway the voters towards him.
Beats me why the Reps nominated Gramps in the first place, surely they had somebody better?
The bottom line is that bad politicians (of all countries) only have power because the voting public gives them that power..

"Which is the greater fool, the fool or the fool who follows him?"- Obi-Wan Kenobi

"A vote is like a rifle; its usefulness depends upon the character of the user"-Theodore Roosevelt
Interesting observation. Do you really believe in conspiracy theories?

I actually don't believe that this world is run in such a manner because humans are simple-minded and this world is too complicated a place to be simply "ruled" by a few guys having a lot of money...
Who me? What conspiracy theory?
Nobody controls me, not politicians or bankers or anybody else..:)

Sorry, broke with my habit of quoting everything I answered to - I was talking to Reich. But, you know, that I believe. And I like your independence.
Seems to me a logical step form being a democracy. Doesn't mean you have to like it...

Nothing to do with being liberal/left or whatever. Just applying the laws of the land.
What I meant. Of course it's "bad taste" but those Muslims have the right to state (and obviously have proven) that they got nothing to do with extremists so it's - technically speaking - not their problem. One simply can't make a PARS PRO TOTO out of everything.
..those Muslims have the right to state (and obviously have proven) that they got nothing to do with extremists..

Nevertheless, they all sing from the same song book-

[Koran 5.51] - "O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends"
[Koran 9.123] - "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that Allah is with those who guard against evil"
So what? You can find enough passages in the Bible that legitimate about anything if you search long enough and rip them from their context. Please don't be so ignorant and arrogant to think we are better just because we are Christians.
..Please don't be so ignorant and arrogant to think we are better just because we are Christians.

But mate, the Bible itself says real Christians ARE better than all kinds of Jesus-rejecters, I can give you the exact verse numbers to check if you like, then you can argue it out with Jesus when you meet him.
Let me put it this way- If there are going to be nonchristians in heaven, I don't want to go..:)
..You can find enough passages in the Bible that legitimate about anything if you search long enough and rip them from their context..

But surely you know Jesus TRASHED the harsh Old T and gave us a kool new update?
The Koran however, was never updated and remains as harsh now as it ever was.
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