Tell me this is an internet hoax, please..

I know there are - after all I've studied Theology.

Nontheless those verses may under no circumstances be taken just literally but you have to look at the context, the age of the book they're from and so on. If you don't do that you're not better than any fundamentalist out there who bends his holy texts to his will and his interpretations.
Jesus said- "Love God, love one another, feed the hungry, house the homeless, clothe the ragged, tend the sick, visit the prisoners, look after the poor."

That seems simple enough to me, or do we need to go to Theological College to debate and discuss it before we're able to understand and interpret it correctly?..;)
Religion shouldn't and doesn't mean let's go and kill and be a bloody nuisance to the world, sadly it's the splinter groups that think that this is the way to God, it does seem the Muslim religion are hell bent on this ( Splinter Group ) which I suppose all Muslims get the blame.......To my mind immigration should never have taken place, we don't need these people, not there fault, people look for a better life, it's the so called goverment's of the world who need punishing for all the problem
But surely you know Jesus TRASHED the harsh Old T and gave us a kool new update?

It's not that simple. He never said he'd abolish teh OT, quite the contrary. He said he'd be its fulfillment but also that nothing should be taken away from Moses' law until he came back. what he criticized was the interpretation and application of it, very much like the prophets of old.

The Koran however, was never updated and remains as harsh now as it ever was.

That is true. But then the Koran claims it "fell from heaven" - no update needed in this case.
And let's remember there are lots of well-known 'christian' cults and denominations that are a disgrace because they deviate from Jesus in one way or another and are therefore 'spiritual perverts'.
If any of them are going to be in heaven, I swear to God I don't want to go..

"If anyone preaches a perverted gospel they're accursed" (Gal 1:6-9)
typical muslim ,anything to cause upset. I hope some one burns the mosque down, it should never be built there.
I'm surprised Obama has lasted so long, I'm sure the Klan are out gunning for him..
Obama ,looked like a good man and talked a good talk but in the end he is just hot air! at least he is better than Bush.
I dunno why some people don't like GW Bush, he had balls..:)

GWB quotes-
"This is war. Somebody's gonna pay" [after 9/11]
"Countries that harbor terrorists are as guilty as they are"
"Give us the terrorists or we'll come and get 'em"
"America will never seek a permission slip [from the UN] to defend herself"
"A soft line toward terror is not gonna happen on my watch"
"My job is to secure the homeland and thats exactly what i'm gonna do"
"We will not sit back and wait to be hit again"
"Iran must not be allowed to have nuclear weapons"
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