The FGM Joins the XCOM Project


Staff member
Nov 28, 2011
Reaction score
Perth, Australia
The new 'Character Pool' function is just too much fun. Essentially you design characters from scratch in the editor and they get added to a database that is drawn from during the game when recruiting new team members.


So @Ithikial , compared with its predecessor, whats the prognosis thus far?

Note I really enjoyed XCOM Eneny Unknown, and enjoyed the expansion as well, though found the in-game human opposition of the expansion pretty lame. Most of my long term enjoyment actually came out of the Long War mod, though I actually found the 'Long' part far too long...
So @Ithikial , compared with its predecessor, whats the prognosis thus far?

Note I really enjoyed XCOM Eneny Unknown, and enjoyed the expansion as well, though found the in-game human opposition of the expansion pretty lame. Most of my long term enjoyment actually came out of the Long War mod, though I actually found the 'Long' part far too long...

So far so good but there badly needs to be a graphics driver update or a patch because mouse input lag is rough. Difficulty just spiked for me after a few easy missions and I'm same scumming like hell. Think I've already buggered up my strategic start game though as I have no supplies.
I was a X-Com addict in my early days. I think it was "Enemy unknown". But all the successor didn´t clued me to them. How is the current - again an only graphic top seller or is the gaming fun as much as in the origin? And is there a possibility to create a FGM-X-Com ladder or similar if it should be so good as the origin? I would love to play that again - especially the "long term mode" or how that is called. But only if the gameplay is good enough.

Greetings :)

P.S.: Could someone give a short intro with pictures and maybe info about tactic and system info - RT or turn based etc.?
Thank You, Corsaire! I had hoped for a more "amateur" review of one of our members. The professional reviews aren´t my taste. You never know who payed whom therefor. Nevertheless I´ll do a look on what You have linked. Thanks again, mate!

Greetings :)
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