The Island War


Ok, we wrapped up Round 4 -- above the battles.


Here's how it played out: Cargol's western Forces beat back my attack on Laketown and also recaptured hex G5. (yellow stars Western victories)
I beat back his attack and held on to hex F5 (blue star) -- but my position has become a little precarious.


For Round 5, cargol gets two attacks to my one and also gets to plot his attacks first.
He launches an attack an attack from G5 to G4 hoping to cut me off at F5.
He also launches an attack from F6 to F7 -- a good move as it prevents me from attacking F7 and cut off his forces
in G5.
Sooo -- I decide to through caution to the wind and attack Eastburg from F5.
If my battles go well, I will have captured the first western city, if not, I will be pretty much evicted from western soil.
Victory!! Both Cargol's attacks have failed -- partly through bad AI kit picks and some aweful shooting by his tanks -- we just await the outcome of my attack on Eastburg, and then I can plot the beginning of the offensive to seal the Western republic's fate!

Eastburg has fallen and this is the situation at the conclusion of the last round of battles.


The devious Eastern Imperial General Staff have plotted these new attacks (by virtue of the three victories, we get three attacks this turn)


Our plan is to capture Lake Town and also cut off and thereby capture hexes G5 and H6 and so consolidate our position in the centre of the front, while in the north, armoured columns probe towards the enemy capital.
There's been quite a bit of fighting since the last udate here... with the Eastern Forces on balance holding the upper hand and eventually carving out a chunk of territory aimed at capturing the Western capital of Westport.


In the previous round, Cargol's Western Armies launched two attacks -- one to try and recapture Eastburg and thereby cut off the strange Eastern salient to the west, and an a supporting attack in the centre.
The Eastern Forces launched an attack to capture hex E4 to avoid hexes D4 and E3 being cut off should Eastburg fall.
In the end, all three battles ended in Eastern (Axis) victories and we move on to the next round.


Chaffee to the right... M8 to the left...and infantry taking cover from enemy flamethrower team lurking in the building in the middle... snapshot from the final second of the Battle for Eastburg.


Eastern Imperial High Command has decided to consolidate their gains with attacks north from Eastburg and against New Industria, hoping to isolate the enemy capital before the final onslaught and victory. :)
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