The killing of Jochen Peiper

Hi, I'm new here, and just signed up 'cause I bumped onto this thread on google. I'm doing a little research on the murder of Peiper. I've read the thread from A to Z, some weird stuff has been said (Rommel), but loads of good points too.
I wunder if the ruines of his house are still there, and since Traves is not very far from where I am, I'll go and have a look for myself.
On another forum I was told the "house" still belongs to the family, or rather to his son, and that he is leaving the site as it was after the horrible murder on his father. No clue if it's true, again I will have to go down there to see for myself.
It is a fact "his" bath was on display, the wooden pannels painted in Normandy camo. Very difficult to be sure it was his hot tub, but it's a nice story all togehter. It was on display with the field tub that belonged to Patton.
Also there is a new book pubmished on the matter Peiper, on't know if it is translated to English jet, but the book (805 pages!) contains many police files that where closed for many years.
Anybody that has read the book jet?
When I go down to Traves, and find anything wurth taking pictures, or even some bricks, I will post the picture's here.
1946, Joachim Peiper POW.-
Mostly OFF topic

"I would recommend caution in discussing this topic with MGK. If you continue, he will accuse you guys of being Nazi sympathizers for your points of view. He has already accused Cargol of being a Nazi sympathizer simply for his Avatar."


[ my daughter the psychologist said 'every pic has a eye pointer.
i bow to no man is a challenge men cannot ignor.. like pussy . my kid is old school thank the maker. she does not hold propriety too high. Many new gen kids use Vin diesel in chronicals of riddick as example of 'i bow to no man. the term is of course older than history itself. Kings.. live it]

Nazi sympathizers are usually gutless worms.
I've known a few.
The Germans are very good at war. Their predilection as engineers and designers begs imagination.
They fall down when "uh oh i'm in trouble, someone came along and burst my bubble"
maybe 30% of Germany in '38 'believed in the fuhrer and half of those believed the racism.
that is humanity. not just Germany but all the 'west'.

On the field of war.
I would be a better gunner/commander in a panzer 6a than in a US m4 sherman [ronson]
Simply by reassurance i was not going to be immolated by own vehicle on a hit
Sympathy my ass.
I don't give a fk who made it and their political ideals.
better is better.

I stand by this and any who suggest i am a nazi because the germans were simply 'better with machines'
can 'come get some'


tho my 2nd wife [the blond] looked amazing in black ss uniform ;)
[which cost over 1k$ custom made. if you pay for custom leather , trimmings are
fundamental . the ss had ONE great skill prada. i am convinced himmler was so much a boy of sleek black uniforms. and simply excellent trim..
..If i wrote a book on it i'd make a million in this tedious boring world as it is now]
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"A fact also is, ignoring the political wing of the ss, and looking at the military arm, the waffen ss. These guys where determined, well trained and very much elite in terms of equipment, training and selection;
For at least the early years and the beginning of the war. And you got to have some respect for the things they achieved under incredibly difficult circumstances. At least i do as a professional soldier."

Words above from a soldier. how many like me love our armchairs? who as an armchair knows shit? i've been shot at but war. thats somewhere i do not want to be.

Sicherheitsdienst. SD
the butchers. are the enemy of all thinking people
every nation on earth has an SD. some , just one man.but there.
To say US has no SD funded by taxes.
is sheer stupidity.

And on the 8th day god gifted stupidity
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The early war SS units were highly trained and highly motivated. But not always the best in keeping themselves alive. For instance SS Standarte Der Führer fought in the Netherlands in may 1940. They attacked fixed positions feriously, but without much care for their own safety. Losses mong them were very high. But they got their jobs done.
In late war years the Waffen SS grew into a large organization. Often getting the best equipment before the regular army units. But as in all German units training became worse and shorter and so the quality too.
I was 10 in the summer of 1976... The sexpistols and punk were in all the weekly magazines my parents bought (in france, the daily papers were not as important as the weeklies...) and although it was punk rock that attracted my attention the most.... I remember only too well the article about the murder of the old man on the 14th of juily "bastille day" as it's called everywhere but in France, and how the villagers danced in the village place singing the Hi -hee-hi-ho 7 dwarves song with lyrics going "old fucking nazi we finally got your skin"...and how basically the whole village was guilty of conspiracy, as everybody knew who exactly had done what... It gave me a feeling of horror.... even though the weekly was a moderate left wing one and that it talked about the Malmedy massacre, it did it fairly, stating that Pieper wasn't present but stood up to take responsability as unit commander... I was sickened at the actions of the french villagers , especially when you consider the attitude of the majority of french people when the nazis were occupying: passivity, not passive resistance but passivity "we don't want any trouble" ... The resistance? a good third of the resistants on french soil were not french citizens but people who had fled the nazis or the spanish falangistsd or italian fascists or armenians and jews having fled persecution in what was then ussr.... The cowardice, i mean it was perhaps one of the first times i was ashamed of being French not because of something that had happened in the past (6million dead=napoleonic wars... then the collaboration, the turncoats, indochina, algeria...) but something that happened NOW.... Yeah he was in the ss panzer, yeah he was the CO of the troops of the pow slaughter at Malmedy... but I had read also a very interesting D-Day anecdote... This guy was an landing craft pilot and he had done several round trips bringing in canadian troops ashore... and he wanted to bring back a german helmet as a souvenir and a luger too if posible. SO while his landing craft was beached and unloaded, he wandered ashore and spotted a group of four canadian soldiers marching a dozen of german prisoners along the beach, in the dunes... "I'm gonna ask one of these guys for his helmet" he thinks and start to walk in their direction... the group goes over the top of a dune and dissappears from sight... long bursts of sub machine guns... the landing craft pilot makes it to the top of the dune as the canadians walk back, grinning ..."I looked down, saw how they had shot the german prisoners to pieces....I threw up and that's how I did not get a helmet nor a lyuger to bring home as a souvenir..." Where the fuck are these four canadian soldiers?
"History is written by the victors" the saying goes... but and older one goes "VAE VICTIS" look it up.
Mostly OFF topic

"I would recommend caution in discussing this topic with MGK. If you continue, he will accuse you guys of being Nazi sympathizers for your points of view. He has already accused Cargol of being a Nazi sympathizer simply for his Avatar."


[ my daughter the psychologist said 'every pic has a eye pointer.
i bow to no man is a challenge men cannot ignor.. like pussy . my kid is old school thank the maker. she does not hold propriety too high. Many new gen kids use Vin diesel in chronicals of riddick as example of 'i bow to no man. the term is of course older than history itself. Kings.. live it]

Nazi sympathizers are usually gutless worms.
I've known a few.
The Germans are very good at war. Their predilection as engineers and designers begs imagination.
They fall down when "uh oh i'm in trouble, someone came along and burst my bubble"
maybe 30% of Germany in '38 'believed in the fuhrer and half of those believed the racism.
that is humanity. not just Germany but all the 'west'.

On the field of war.
I would be a better gunner/commander in a panzer 6a than in a US m4 sherman [ronson]
Simply by reassurance i was not going to be immolated by own vehicle on a hit
Sympathy my ass.
I don't give a fk who made it and their political ideals.
better is better.

I stand by this and any who suggest i am a nazi because the germans were simply 'better with machines'
can 'come get some'


tho my 2nd wife [the blond] looked amazing in black ss uniform ;)
[which cost over 1k$ custom made. if you pay for custom leather , trimmings are
fundamental . the ss had ONE great skill prada. i am convinced himmler was so much a boy of sleek black uniforms. and simply excellent trim..
..If i wrote a book on it i'd make a million in this tedious boring world as it is now]
When I look at his face, all I see is bad juju.

Really? I see a Nazi who thinks that the master race is down, but not beaten...which means he's bad juju...unlike the picture of Charles Manson in the book 'Helter Skelter", which is the face of Satan...pure friggin evil. This is a picture of a pissed off Nazi prig, Adolf is keeping Charlie's bunk warm in hell...
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