The Pacific TV series



Anybody watching it?
I switched off halfway through episode 1, bored out of my skull, it's not a patch on Band of Brothers..

So you turned it off just before the action really kicks in if i remember correctly lol.

Give it another go, episode V has some corking action scenes
SPkie'S partly right - the action just takes too long to arrive. And when it has arrived it somehow feels like some kind of justification: 'Look, we know the overall stroy isn't all that intersting and the characters are pretty bland but here's some intense fighting scenes so all is gonna be okay.' I'll continue to watch it, but I'm still underwhelmed (after watching five parts already).
Still when the guy in the amphib vehicle gets is hand shot off and his hand stays gripped to the .50 cal handle is pretty cool : )
I stuck with episode 1 right up through the shooting on Guadalcanal, but all I saw were Marines and Japs shooting at each other without any planning like a shoot-'em-up arcade game.
The show also lacks strong leading characters, they're bland like Earl Grey said, and there's no human interest storyline.
Episode 1 completely skipped interesting Marines training scenes, we heard the guy say "I've joined the Marines", then in the next scene months later he's on Guadalcanal.
Another thing-i've heard Guadalcanal was a steaming sweaty jungly hell-hole, yet there's not a bead of sweat or an unshaven chin anywhere, far too clean and not grimy enough.
I might take short looks at future episodes but i'd much rather watch "Most Shocking Riots" vids
Give it another go, episode V has some corking action scenes
I actually didn't like the action in the episode 5. Propably because of the CGI. I don't think there's nothing wrong with CGI in general, but I just find CGI effects in war movies disgusting. Most explosions, small arms fire hits on ground/hard surfaces and other stuff in the episode was done with computers and I think CGI effects look so wrong, cheap and fake in war movies. CGI effects just doesn't seem to have any balls. I have the same problem with the Finnish war movies Etulinjan edessä and Tali-Ihantala 1944.
Tali-Ihantala 1944 suffers from the exact same problems as The Pacific; The main characters aren't really ever characterized and remain just as dull cardboard cutouts, no sense of direction, battle scenes seem to be totally random and don't seem to follow anykind of cause and effect.

P.S: This is propably the fifth topic about the Pacific
P.S: This is propably the fifth topic about the Pacific

Bootie needs some admin work now and then, don't you think? :) And not too many seem to care about the series anyway.
Honestly, though, I'd rather watch 'Thin Red Line' - you don't really get to know the characters there either, but they're portrayed in a much more believable manner. Too bad - I had high hopes...
I actually didn't like the action in the episode 5. Propably because of the CGI. I don't think there's nothing wrong with CGI in general, but I just find CGI effects in war movies disgusting. Most explosions, small arms fire hits on ground/hard surfaces and other stuff in the episode was done with computers and I think CGI effects look so wrong, cheap and fake in war movies. CGI effects just doesn't seem to have any balls. I have the same problem with the Finnish war movies Etulinjan edessä and Tali-Ihantala 1944.

P.S: This is propably the fifth topic about the Pacific

Did you watch in high or standard definition?
CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery) in Pacific is only average, but then all CGI in all films is only average.
It's very difficult to get everything exactly right to conform to real-world scientific laws of motion, inertia, ballistics, perspective etc.
Kids won't notice the unreality of CGI and they'll think it's great, but we old farts will see it as nothing more than a trumped-up Bugs Bunny cartoon style..:)
It's very difficult to get everything exactly right to conform to real-world scientific laws of motion, inertia, ballistics, perspective etc.

These are actually perfect tasks for a computer to undertake, perspective is a bit harder but working out the flight path of a projectile is pretty easy these days, it's what allows modern day armies to drop 150mm shells on a relative pinhead : ). Then when you have these flight path just associate an image to them a voila : ). Computer processing power is increasing all the time, it won't be long before we have truly spectacular CGI
Why try to pick it apart? I just sit back and try to enjoy it, in the spirit it was made in. Sure the first episode was a bit slow, but you can't get everything right all of the time. The only people that would really know if it was right, are the people that was there at the time. If you watch something looking for mistakes, of course, you aren't going to like it. Turn your cynical self off, your imagination on, and enjoy the ride.
Well we have been watching this series part 4 was last night, we find the series very weak.There are no strong characters performance is low you just cant feel for any of the men or what they are going through. It is not a patch on Band of Brothers, one other thing is that you never see any of the Marines die or suffer in pain ,this is not a blood lust but you loose alot from the program. I get the feeling they are planning one big show when the landings at Iwo Jima,but I dout if I will stick with the program .
Band of Brothers had real depth, for example there were the fascinating episodes about the crap company commander (David Schwimmer) and how they eventually got rid of him. Another episode centred on a medic and gave us a good look at medics in action.
Then there was the remorse felt by US para Winters after killing a young German soldier pointblank.
Incidentally Winters was played by the english shakespearean actor Damien Lewis, I thought it odd that the director picked a limey for the part, but Spielberg said they instantly knew he was perfect for the part at auditions.
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