The Pacific TV series

Too bad so many of you are nit-picking this series to death. You're missing a really good show. "Thin Red Line?" Just horrible,.

I thought we were here to discuss how we liked the series and we found good (or bad). Overall I think it is well made, but the whole sereis just feels sort of... bland (I know I iuused that word a lot in this thread, but that's how it feels for me). Overall I think the series is well done and the curelty of combat portrayed realisitcally enough, but I'm with Cillmhor here - a credible narrative is missing that keeps the whole show together. It is a somehow disparate effort (even if the fighting in the Pacific was exactly that asnfd felt like it) and I suspect the director has put a bit too much of his own 'aesthetic' or 'creative imagination' into it.
Oh, and I don't like 'Thin Red Line' very much either, but it is a good example for the overabundant use of interior perspective on characters in a movie. I think, though, that it does that better than 'The Pacific' does.
Yeas, it's nice to have something to watch at all! Still, it's not good enough for me to warrant buying it on DVD. There are other series I'd rather spend my money on. Let's hope, though, the next HBO mini series isn't worse. I'd actually like one focussing on a German unit - would be a nice change!
I ditched The Pacific about halfway through the first episode.
I treat TV shows the same way as I treat women-- if they don't shape up in the first half hour they're out on their butts..:)
Would it have the same appeal to the American public though?

Take a look at how many reenactors portray German soldiers - I bet it's at least a 75% majority. And I think those alone would suffice to make such a series a success.
Don't bother, I watched the 5th one last night, and it's not getting any better.
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