Brilliant footage from the front. The old satchel charge - a banana republic's best friend.
Just a quick couple of questions about the setup. Did you allocate a map for each square. And can your forces retreat by exiting a map so that they can live to fight another day?
There are no forces as such ... below a summary of how it works (Shorker and I are making up a few things as we go along ... trying to keep it not too rule-bound)
There are TWO battles fought at the same time.
We start out with ONE attack each - if you LOSE your attack battle, the opponents takes over that attack in the next turn and has TWO attacks until you defeat one of his attacks.
We each announce the hex from which and into which we attack ... for instance G6 into F6.
I will select a QB map that matches the terrain type of the hex being attacked. ... Farmland, Wooded, Rough/Hills, Towns and City for the battle for the enemy capital.
Or we can take turns picking maps.
The battles are medium 30 turn QB attacks -- we can set parameters as to unit selections (Italy Sept '43 ... no big cats ... I'll take British/Commonwealth and you Germans)
You can assign one air strike per battle if available (depends on weather which will be determined by die roll each turn)
Air support has THREE options which you can assign: 1) ground support 2) Air defense 3) naval interdiction -- I will work out some more detailed rules there mostly determined by die roll)
You can also assign naval gun fire support -- I suggest making those nothing heavier than 1x battery 105mm arty ... with the range of ONE hex inland.
(I'll work out some simple naval rules as well so our ships can intercept each other)
Battle Results:
These count in the following way: (see sample map above)
First off, if the battle is a DRAW, nothing happens -- no hex exchanges hands.
If the Attacker wins by a MINOR or TACTICAL victory he wins the hex and a plain GREEN or BLUE is placed in the hex won.
This means the attacker has INITIATIVE there and the other player cannot attack that hex in the next turn, but the winning player can attack.
If the Attacker wins by a MAJOR or TOTAL Victory, he gets a +10% STAR which gives him a +10% bonus for one turn for the next attack out of that hex.
The other player cannot attack that hex. (this is to represent the momentum gained after a successful attack)
If the Attacker loses by MINOR or TACTICAL defeat, the hex from which the attack came from gets a star and no further attack can be launched from that hex for one turn as the forces there are too disorganised from their repulsed attack.
If the Attacker loses by a MAJOR or TOTAL defeat -- a -10% STAR is placed into the hex from which the attack came from and remains there for the next turn.
The other player then can COUNTER-ATTACK into that hex from any adjacent hex with a +10% bonus.
If both players announce an attack in the same hex, we fight a MEETING ENGAGEMENT battle.
If a hex is surrounded by enemy controlled hexes it has to surrender.
Here a table for the naval and air support units.
If AIR or NAVAL unit takes 1 DMG or 2 DMG -- it means they are out of action for the next 1 or 2 turns and your side has naval or air supremacy for that time while the enemy regroups his resources.