The Scenario Depot III


Staff member
Nov 5, 2009
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Hello Gentlemen

I bring you exciting news of the new Scenario Depot III which has been funded by The Few Good Men. As we all know The Scenario Depot II was the go to place for Scenario downloads with its most successful period being from the mid-90's to the early 00's for the CMX1 series of games. Unfortunately it was never updated to encompass the CMX2 series of games but all that is about to change. I introduce to you The Scenario Depot III.


The new site is a community wide project and despite being hosted on The Few Good Men servers membership of The FGM is not required. We have reached a stage where the site is pretty much finished and all that remains to be tested now is its load bearing capabilities.

The Scenario Depot III is the place to upload your completed play tested scenarios for the enjoyment of the CMx2 community and I'm asking if you scenario designers out there would do me the honour of starting to upload your scenarios to the database as a stress test exercise. If all goes well The Scenario Depot III will be up and running henceforth.

The site is available HERE

Please read 'The About The Scenario Depot III' section and then go to 'Upload A File' to go through the simple process of getting your scenario into our database awaiting front page post upload.

I would like to thank Gary Krockover the original designer of The Scenario Depot II and The Proving Grounds for his permission to launch the next era of the sites catering for the new games released by Battlefront in the CMX2 series.

The site covers all CMX2 games [Afghanistan, Shock Force, Battles for Normandy, Fortress Italy, Red Thunder , Black Sea] and has areas waiting to be opened for the Bulge games forthcoming release.

As well as scenarios and campaigns the site also offers the capability of uploading user designed maps for players to download.

At present we have just the one map uploaded so please pop over and start adding your content and if you wish to donate towards the endeavour there is a link at the bottom of the right hand column for you generous folk out there. Donations will go towards the programmes required to get The Proving Grounds up and running which is phase 2 of the project. I look forward to seeing your work being submitted.

Thanks for reading.

Hi Bootie,

I uploaded one and it SAID it was successful. I then went to the download section to see if it was there and hoping I had not screwed up but I didn't see it under CMFI. One good thing I like about GaJ's site is that you can see it right away and immediately fix anything you messed up. I used rar as compression, hope that is okay with your system!

Except for being able to upload mods?
It asked about mods as part of the fill in the blanks for submitting the scenario.
Next one I upload will be one that has some special mods and I guess I will see if it wants the mods too!

The only thing more convenient would be if bootie flew a team of young Scottish ladies direct to your house and got the goods right from your "hard drive". People sure would start writing more scenarios! :D
Bootie, one important feature could be implemented - scenario filtering by different fields, such as Battle Size, Playable side, H2H or not, Vs AI or Not, battle year, etc. That could be really cool.
Maybe I can just put a link to GaJ site for the mods for a scenario?

Can we later edit our submission info if we spot an error?
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That's excellent news. Thanks!

After having a look at it what I am missing is a search parameter reflecting how difficult the scenario designer thinks the game is for a side.

I am also severely missing the opportunity to search for difficult games, tough nuts, and avoid the usual balanced games which are probably 95%.
I think such a parameter would help to get away from the false believe that a CM game should be balanced.
Great news! Just downloaded George MCs latest scenario, Ring der 5. Panzer.
Same here. Just downloaded George MC CMRT Der Ring Der 5 Panzer Division_v1.btt.
Admiral Keith's Scenario Depot.
Wasn't that the title of the first depot?
@Bootie, are you porting FGM-posted scenarios over or should we - the scenario authors - upload them ourselves?
@Lt. Smash - I re-uploaded mine last night and it's a pretty quick process if you have the files ready to go. Pretty sure the content from the old dloads section was trashed when it was dropped but could be mistaken.

@Bootie - Boss do you need me to help ticking off scenarios as they come in?
@Lt. Smash - I re-uploaded mine last night and it's a pretty quick process if you have the files ready to go. Pretty sure the content from the old dloads section was trashed when it was dropped but could be mistaken.

@Bootie - Boss do you need me to help ticking off scenarios as they come in?

Yeah I try to get everything uploaded by end of the day its submitted at the latest.

Thanks Ithikial but its fine.... when anything comes in it gets copied across to Dropbox so I can easily see any duplicates. ;)
Hi @Bootie,
is it possible that the scenario headlines are not consisting of words with capital letters at the beginning?
In English the capital writing of words changes in headlines but in German this is not allowed.
For example:
Der Ring Der 5 Panzer Division

Der Ring der 5. Panzer-Division

der - it is no noun (it's the male article for a particular thing, in this case ring) therefore no capital letter at it's beginning

5. - whenever in English there would be a -st, -nd, -rd, -th suffix in German the number needs a dot.

Panzer-Division (or Panzerdivision) - in German either nouns can be combined into one single new noun, or if they are not combined, but together form a new entity, then they are connected with -.

Hope these purely "personal" grammar rules make it easier for you (and I hope they are correct :) ).
Hi @Bootie,
is it possible that the scenario headlines are not consisting of words with capital letters at the beginning?
In English the capital writing of words changes in headlines but in German this is not allowed.
For example:
Der Ring Der 5 Panzer Division

Der Ring der 5. Panzer-Division

der - it is no noun (it's the male article for a particular thing, in this case ring) therefore no capital letter at it's beginning

5. - whenever in English there would be a -st, -nd, -rd, -th suffix in German the number needs a dot.

Panzer-Division (or Panzerdivision) - in German either nouns can be combined into one single new noun, or if they are not combined, but together form a new entity, then they are connected with -.

Hope these purely "personal" grammar rules make it easier for you (and I hope they are correct :) ).

Thanks for that but its not my scenario. Perhaps post in the associated post on TSD3 and let the author know of his mistakes so he is aware in future. ;)
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