The Vietnam War

A U.S. Marine listens for the heartbeat of a dying buddy who suffered head wounds when the company's lead platoon was hit with enemy machine gun fire as they pushed through a rice paddy just short of the demilitarized zone in South Vietnam, on sept. 1966.
@ Louis
One of the toughest aspects of being the Company Facman, was when we had wounded to Medevac. There would be times when I couldn't get the Medevacs in a timely manner, due to weather, unavailability, or enemy contact. To this day I still see those Lads laying near the LZ, doomed, with not a thing I could do to change the situation.
Chopper gunner
Not quite an image, but worth a watch;

Brady Haran (of Numberphile, Periodic Videos and Hello Internet fame, if those names mean anything), filming his father (Peter Haran) telling the story of the worst day of his life on location in VIetnam. Peter Haran was an Australian tracking dog handler in the Vietnam. The rest of the story is better told in the video.
A U.S. soldier awaits evacuation from Vietnamese jungle by ambulance helicopter being summoned by a radio operator behind him on Dec. 5, 1965.
The soldier was attempting to tear down a Viet Cong bamboo structure used to dispense propaganda when two M 79 grenades planted in one of the poles exploded in his face.
Dreams of Better Times, the 1968 Pulitzer Prize, by Toshio Sakai, United Press International.
This photo show a this soldier of the First Army Division sleep and probably dreaming of better times; rests after heavy sniper and mortar fire, while his buddy keeps watch through the monsoon downpour in Landing Zone rufe about 35 miles northeast of Phuc Vinh, June 17th.
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