The Rockpile FSB
Underneath the foliage, those steep hills are extremely rocky, with natural caves. Populated by Rock Apes, the NVA, and the occasional Tiger. While stationed near here at OP Ben, a perimeter support position for The Rockpile FSB, built by French, I experienced one of the most terrifying nights of my Tour of Duty. Now OP Ben had been built by the French, and from the pile of cans piled up outside the wire (thats where we would throw our discarded c-ration cans) it had been around for quite a long time. It seems that a Tiger had grown curious as to what was going on at our position and was heard rattling the cans in our ad hoc early warning system, outside the wire at several holes up the perimeter. As it stalked the perimeter, each successive hole let loose one round to scare it off, as it grew closer I took my M-16 off safe, eventually I heard him too, and as my mates in the next 3-4 holes over had done, fired one round downrange to convince the Tiger that I wasn't on the menu. I was the last to hear him and fire off a round, as the still of night once more took reign. Then about 10 minutes later we could hear the Gunny bellowing 'Tiger in the lines' and calling for each squad to send a man to the CP. I was dispatched by my squad leader and joined about 9 others in forming a Tiger shooing line. So with our bayonets clapping against the stocks of our rifles we walked through the knee high Elephant Grass in line, hoping to shoo the Tiger out of the wire. I never saw the Tiger that night, so we were successful.
used with permission of Pop-a-Smoke.com
Upon my arrival in country, I heard the tale of a Marine squad ambush in the vicinity of FB ALpine, that was itself ambushed by a Tiger, carrying one Marine off into the jungle by his head. It wasn't until that night at OP Ben that I ever thought the story might be true. And it wasn't until about 10 years ago I came across this pic of the actual Tiger that the story was about. So I had good cause to be afraid that night, as it was a true tale.
So for those of you who live with Cats, be thankful for their size, because if they were bigger, they would eat you.