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[TV] Cowboy BeBop - Netflix

Just started watching this only to find out Netflix cancelled it after only one season (26 episodes). Firefly deja vu? The main
complaint seems to be it wasn't as good as the original anime series. OKaaay. Since I don't watch anime I'm in the camp that
is disappointed. I'm thinking the production cost may have had something to do with its demise as well.
I'm only on episode 3 and I'm going to keep watching as I'm finding it to be entertaining, well written and visually appealing.
Also simple fun. Don't go in expecting to learn the meaning of life.
Your mileage may (and probably will) vary.
Well, crap.
I was on Netflix and I wanted to check something about the cast. I wandered over to the list of episodes and...WTF!
When I first looked into this show I was reading on a site that said there were 26 episodes. Either I misread that, or
it was just wrong as the actual episode count on Netflix is a measly 10. That is disappointing as I have already watched
7 and am not really motivated to watch any more if there are only 3 left. This is not a problem exclusive to BeBop.
I'm finding more often than not that a series that gets my attention is more likely than not to have ended abruptly w/o a
proper conclusion.
Maybe I should just stick to movies.