Unwritten Rules

The Arty in first round for a defender is a question of good sense becouse engine limitations far from CM1X, but that crew discution, and rules of engagement for it, in my opinion it´s a lostof time, it´s just simples, we do what we can from what we get. If that crew member can use guns and react and defende theirselfs, their are infatary, and I will continue to kicking Crew as as usual in all games far from my first CM1X game. I´m with same opinion that Light Horse, move, shoot, scout, them die like infatary...
I find tank crews are excellent at manning H/T MG's...

You took the words out of my mouth cobber... That's what I do with mine, or I move them to the flanks of my main forces to act as early warnings for enemy flank attacks...
It was common practice for Panzer crews to exit their vehicles and do recon of the battlefield ahead on foot to get a sense of the lay of the land.

Rico, correct on that recon...very common tactic.
On June 13, 1944, Michael Wittmann did a recon on foot with a local infantry sergeant towards Villers-Bocage. Wittmann observed the 4th County of London Yeomanry, an contingent of the 22th brigade / 7th Armored division. Wittmann return to his Tiger, attack immediately and the rest is history.
Tiger Ace, by Gary L. Simpson, 1994
You know, we shouldn't have to make special extra rules for CMBN. Battlefront has done a very excellent job with the morale programmimg. There times when I can never recover a crew of a knocked out vehicle, they simple refused return back to the fight. But, if they the hero type, I said used them as such. All those other cowards who want to live forever and won't quit running away, there no hope for them as heros....LOL
Thanks for the input guys.

I understand, and appreciate, DG's opinion that AFV crews would not historically , once ejected from their vehicles, grab their small arms and advance to the front and perform "normal" infantry duties. As a result, since our current battle means nothing to me except for a few giggles, I have agreed to move my tanks crews out of harm's way since DG is more passionate about the issue than I. All's good.

However...this is a game and in the future, if there is no rules pre-nup, I'm going to use my crews any way I can to help me win the game. Just sayin'.
I wholly disagree with you, my friend.
Be it a scenario, or quick battle, you uses your resources anyway you see fit to win. If you want to pre-bombardment your enemy starting positions or likely routes of travel, that's happens in real war and now we can do it in CMBN too. Smart player will minimizes the effect of his opponent's first turn (and other turns) artillery.
Its all in your tactics.
I won't limit myself, never.
If you have to have it that way....then a friendly agreed between players before they game starts.
For all tournaments, allow players to use all the resources to they full effect, with zero restrictions.

Ok. Agreement before play starts is fine with me. But in a mirrored meeting engagement I can't agree with preplanned arty on turn one. The AFV deal isnt a big deal for me. The issue for me is the meeting engagement part. In theory forces are moving up and would not have suddenly stopped and said " hey, I think we should blow that hedgerow 200 meters over to the left to hell and back. You know the one, its the one we haven't reached yet and shouldn't know exists. "

But that just me. So pre discussed things are cool with me. No rules needed.
Ok. Agreement before play starts is fine with me. But in a mirrored meeting engagement I can't agree with preplanned arty on turn one. The AFV deal isnt a big deal for me. The issue for me is the meeting engagement part. In theory forces are moving up and would not have suddenly stopped and said " hey, I think we should blow that hedgerow 200 meters over to the left to hell and back. You know the one, its the one we haven't reached yet and shouldn't know exists. "

But that just me. So pre discussed things are cool with me. No rules needed.

To my Distinguish friend from Knoxville, Tennessee.
When we cross swords on a quick battle, meeting engagement, I will refrain from blowing the crap out of you with artillery on the first turn only.
How that for a wargamer's pre-nup agreement?

Hugs and kisses, too you, Das Tiger
Tank crew doing recon has nothing to do with tank crew continue the fight once their tank is destroyed. It is indeed normal for crew to dismount and do a survey of the battlefield. But once they are done they get back in their tank and go fight. But crew who's tank just got blown apart dont simply pick up their weapons and say: "well lets go on" they are in panic and shaken up. Their natrual instinct tells them to get out of there.

I dont mind tank crew manning HT mg's.
But crew who's tank just got blown apart dont simply pick up their weapons and say: "well lets go on" they are in panic and shaken up. Their natrual instinct tells them to get out of there.

I think that crew morale is pretty well modelled. Most of the time they lie huddled on the ground or run like hell away. If they get their sh*t together and are available they will be used. I thought this had been discussed already though. Majority of folk dont want extra rules impinged on them because you dont like it when an AFV crew picks himself up and fights on. Those that dont mind will be open to pre-nups before battle and those who dont like dealing with additional rules will just walk away. It all seems a bit cutting of your nose to spite your face situation.
Wait a minute I think there is a small misunderstanding here. This is just how think about it and a rule I personnaly use and discuss with my opponent. It is not my intention to bring this rule on everybody if that is what you think.

I simply forgot to tell mTk that I use this rule and that is just the reason why he started this thread. I talked about it with him in person and all is ok.
I never said I would not play anybody who does not accept these rules. Reason I have it is because I lost a good battle once simply because my opponent spent all his infantry and scored points in the objective zone with vehicle crew. Now I dont mind loosing but loosing because someone made an error and needs crew to win is plain bull#%^*

I always discuss rules. I just forgot it this time and never thought it would be taken so high.
There is a manual on this. "Ghost Tank", I think with Jeb Stuart as the tank commander of a Stuart tank with the guardian angel of General Jeb Stuart watching over them. All real stuff I think.....
To my Distinguish friend from Knoxville, Tennessee.
When we cross swords on a quick battle, meeting engagement, I will refrain from blowing the crap out of you with artillery on the first turn only.
How that for a wargamer's pre-nup agreement?

Hugs and kisses, too you, Das Tiger

Smoochies back to you you hedgerow destroyer you.

Hey don't you owe me a turn?!?!
Hey don't you owe me a turn?!?!

Never could get the scenario off the ground for us, it was saving to the wrong name label all the time.
Pick any scenario from CMBN and side, your choice my friend.

I await the file in our dropbox.

"Beat me up" Lighthorse
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