I have a doc that I keep all my activation codes on.
I found this on my doc. Must have had an issue when I upgraded (I can't remember but then I can't remember what I had for breakfast - I have a wife for that -
Here is a note from BF that I have on the CMFI upgrade to v4:
1. After installing using the Full or Update installers, launch the game. You'll be prompted to license. Enter you Engine 4 license key and exit.
2. Use the "Activate New Products" short cut in your CMFI folder to launch the game with the license window. Enter your Engine 3 license key. If you bought the Upgrade 3 + 4 Bundle then you can skip this step.
3. Use the "Activate New Products" short again and enter your Engine 2 license key *IF* you have one, otherwise skip this step.
4. If you purchased Gustav Line as a separate product, use "Activate New Products" again and enter your Gustav license key. If you bought Gustav as a Bundle, it should already be activated.
If you should run into any issues, try to figure out what key is missing (the game should give you adequate feedback for that) and use "Activate New Products" link to allow you to enter whichever key is needed. If you still have a problem, especially if you bought a Gustav Line Bundle (some keys definitely didn't transition correctly!), file with our Help Desk and include the license key you're having problems with: