Upgrade 2.0 Features



I love the new feature where in the mission editor, mission creators can set the uniform type of the unit. Camo, mixed, standard uniforms. Beautiful feature.

I've also noticed that the dreaded deploy bug seems to be fixed. I only tested a German heavy machine gun and it deployed and packed up with the time penatlies as it should. I have not tested the other crewed weapons yet. This is a good sign. I can now die happy. :)
I have upgraded to but I don't have that fancy new editor??? I can't see it
Yes you do. Go into editor. YOu have those two columns. The units you can purchase and the units you purchased. Below that are those buttons which you can set experiecne levels, ammo level etc. The very last one is the button where you can now set the uniform type.
Found that option but where is the fancy cool looking map?editor-full-overlay_th.jpg
Are you referring to maps you can import into the editor order to use as a template for the map you are creating?
euhm... I guess... Where is that cool looking map thingy like in the screen above? I thought all maps in editor would look like this now.
euhm... I guess... Where is that cool looking map thingy like in the screen above? I thought all maps in editor would look like this now.

I have not yet used the feature myself because I was waiting for CMBN to get it with the 2.0 upgrade. Now it is indeed here. That picture you are referring to is I believe a map which was imported into the editor of CMFI. You paint over it in order to make a map almost exactly like it. I could be wrong because as I said, I haven't used it yet am will be learning it later. I sould suggest we both look in the manual or peruse the scenario editor threads over at BF for instructions on how to do this.
The screenshot is taken from the BF site. I don't have CMFI. I just thougth all maps would look like this now
So it only looks like that of you import a map... I thought all (current) maps would look like this from now on... :(
Dutch, I haven't tried it in CMBN, but I have in CMFI. When you are in the editor with the map showing, hit the " O" key (I think that was the one...check the manual ) and it will cycle through about 3 or 4 different levels of transparency between the standard map and the Google map or whatever map the scenario designer used.

So you will see that type of map, but the game map itself doesn't look like that.
It's only an overlay, DG.
Like tracing paper. Your maps will not magically be upgraded to Google Earth standard if that's what you mean?

The overlay feature just lets you display a map in the background so you can lay the tiles in the editor with a reference to whatever map you have loaded in the background.
The actual map making is still done the old fashioned way.
I still wish CMBN could be fitted with a random map generator ... it was flawed in CMx1 but very useful for QB's and tournaments/campaigns.

There are many, many maps people created and put into the repository. One can put them into the quick battles folder and they will be there for your use. Also, there are quite a few maps in there already. I'm not "poo pooing you" here but I guess I'm asking what is wrong with what is in there now?
That's a pretty good tip I never would have thought you could dump maps in there to be used, but now you have mentioned it it seems pretty logical. ;)
What happens when you start a QB on a map the other side doesn't have? Wil it be included in the turn file?
That's a pretty good tip I never would have thought you could dump maps in there to be used, but now you have mentioned it it seems pretty logical. ;)
What happens when you start a QB on a map the other side doesn't have? Wil it be included in the turn file?

I'm pretty sure it will. Don't quote me though. ;) Might have to check that at the BF forums or see if there is something about that in the manual. However, if you have a mission you downloaded and your opponant does not and you want to play them that mission...they don't need to have that mission in their own game. So, taking that notion, I would assume it is the same for quick battles. The guy with the map will however be sure to be the guy who sets up the QB and the other guys game will then read the data from the file the set-up guy sent. I think at least that is how it works. I do know I've played PBEMs against people who had a mission and I didn't and it worked for me.
OK, guys, question: does the 2.0 upgrade include the CW bundle as well? (I bought CMBN-CW bundle, I am asking whether the 2.0 upgrades CW parts as well)
I do not see anything like CMBN-CW 2.0 upgrade on BFC, only CMBN 2.0. I want to make sure I am buying the correct upgrade for my game. Many thanks.
When you buy the upgrade it will ask you during install...


If you have both check both... otherwise if you have one check one and when you buy the module reinstall and check that...
Actually I just bought it and I am trying to do the upgrade now.

Unfortunately, error. ... again :(

It says: error: cannot find base game file for Combat Mission Battle for Normandy at the path you specified, do you still want to continue?

I clicked no and exited.

And I do not know exactly what is a "base game file", but all the files are there. What is going on?
OK I just reinstalled from scratch, and it now seems fine :)

Whoa, I am also a proud CMBNCW 2.0er now!!! :) Hope things go fine from now on ... phewwwwwwwwwwwwwww
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