Upgrade 2.0 Features

Could it be that mods dont work with this upgrade? All my unit skins are green and vage
Could it be that mods dont work with this upgrade? All my unit skins are green and vage

It has been reported at the BF forums that most mods will have to be updated to work with the new upgrade. I understand though that it won't take much to do that.
It has been reported at the BF forums that most mods will have to be updated to work with the new upgrade. I understand though that it won't take much to do that.

And how do I upgrade my mods?
Hi Dutch, old mods need to be renamed and unless the replace a current unifiorm, they will need a new normal map (thesed are what give v2.0 vehicles and soldiers more depth...more opolygons to the model for "light"to reflect off of).

You want Germans? I'm working on them now. When I'm done, I'll send them to you. Anyone else, for that matter.
How should I rename them? And yes it is about my uniforms and vehicles (Aris mods)
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