UPGRADE 3.0 CMBN FEATURES... copied from ChrisND-Twitch

Fixes for airsupport etc out. No fow fix yet though.


Updated installers for the 3.0 Game Engine Upgrade for both Combat Mission Battle for Normandy and Combat Mission Fortress Italy are now available for download (PC only)! The updated installers address a number of additional issues found after the original release, mostly specific to certain hardware and graphics drivers:

- The building entry bug should be fixed.
- ATI decal-related lighting issues should be fixed.
- General shadow performance and looks have been improved.
- Air support should now behave as it used to in CMBN and CMFI.

This release is not a patch. To download, please log into your store account at www.battlefront.com/store and simply re-download the 3.0 Upgrade installer, and install it. There is no need to uninstall. Obviously this only applies to customers who have downloaded and installed the Upgrade prior to this announcement at noon EST on 8/21/2014.
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Fiozu -
You might be taking things way too literally. Do not read so deep into what is being said. We are paying customers and busting BF's balls in our own right. We do not really think that BF meant to release that without the intention to fix it. We know that much. We know that "shit" happens and things get f'd up sometimes. We also know that "Quality Control" is a big part of a business. I know that the business I work for it is top priority right next to freakin' customer service. So when we state these things we are not really BF haters as you think, but just taking light jabs at BF's chin. It is pretty comical over there when you see someone state this should be for free or how do they charge 10 bones for this! That is like attracting a moth to a flame. So easy.

In a round about way we are saying that even though we understand, we wish BF would have taken a little more QC time to check this over before releasing with "bugs or whatever" and charging us. I know that there is a slew of Beta Testers over there from all the sig's I see and the backlash one gets when posting anything near a negative post about the game. How do they not catch the water fording FOW or the 'jacked up' air support? They know these are 'new' functions, right? You seem to be on the down low with BF so maybe you can shed some light on this? You are right though, the effect on gameplay is minor ....as long as you are not playing multiplayer with water on board. Or hedges. Or fences. Yeah, if your tank runs one of these over I will pretty much know where you are coming from. I would have to say that may not affect your play but it does mine.

So, we are not BF haters. We do not wish games, updates, patches, or any other tidbit from BF fo' free. I have bought everything that they pumped out from day 1 and will continue to give them my support and money. Back porting the game is awesome. No one disputes that. But make sure every thing looks and works how it should. If not, they should expect to see us busting their balls until they do. It is the nature of the business.

Then I'm onboard. I just react when I see a storm in a glass of water. I think every one has the right to complain, state their opinion and so on. I just want to also shed some light with my POW. Bugs suck, but they do happen, for all developers and being small doesn't help. The betas aren't stupid, some things we think are obvious might have been checked but emerges at a later stage etc.

For hedges and fences, these are not supposed to be under FOW as is now. That´s something Id like to see implemented, but as is now I believe that is a feature and not very easy to change. Think of foxholes etc that are under FOW but work in an entirely different way as opposed to objects that are part of the map. Lets hope this can be handled in the future.

As to how it affects game play. I play a lot of H2H. Not that many battles includes water with fords. I also don't think many players have a routine of checking all fences hedges etc, every turn to try and find out where enemy vehicles are headed. Not something that changes the outcome of battles IMHO. Would be great if it can be handled though, but how far up on the list should it be?
Why is it not correct? You posted the same as I only more nicely (pro BFC) written. The statement is the same: knowingly implemented a gameplay bug for the price of a graphical feature. For me as h2h player is a lack of FOW not a minor bug, but this should decide everyone for themselves. And of course it will be fixed, everything other won’t be acceptable :)

Not sure if its the second language that screws things up. I'm just saying that they are not trying to charge for a bug and trying to get away with it. To me it kind a sounds like you are implying that. And of course it should and will be fixed.

Let me ask you how do you know the reason for the decision of BFC? Or do you just suppose it?

I read a lot of what Steve and Phil posts in the forums. They are very open about stuff, at least most of the time. This behavior as well as their willingness to listen to fans over the years is something I respect and appreciate a lot.

Can you please explain what I am twisting?

As I wrote above, to me, it sounded like you where implying they where charging for a bug without the intent to fix it. With a fix already in the works. The fix created for RT first patch then ported over.

Yes, this is one reason. For the other reasons there are enough threads. I think you know them ;)

You got the right to complain about bugs, Im not happy about bugs either, but at times I just feel a storm is crated in a glass of water and I want to give my POW as well.

I have the feeling that you have a close emotional relation to BFC. Would you argue like this if we would talk about another publisher/developer?

I wouldn't say I'm a hard core fanboi of BFC (but maybe I am? ;) ). Its just that I have been following them for a long time, seen how they work and that in the end of the day they take care of business. That long term trust that has been built is something I think they should get credit for.
Hi Fizou,

thanks for you open answers.

I don't have the intention to bashing BFC. I want an open discussion with constructive criticism. Unfortunately this is not really possible at the BFC forum (my experience). Feedback is very important to upgrading something. And of course I don’t like perpetual nagging, too.

I criticized that BFC knowingly implemented a gameplay bug. I did it with some humor. The saying "Hey, it's not a bug, it's a feature" is an old IT joke :) For me this decision of BFC went into the wrong direction (packing beats content).

I wouldn't use the term "Fanboy", it sounds a little negative ;) It is normal for people to react more emotionally to things that are close to them. But hey, it's only a game :)

My opinion because of the wrong sales strategy this time is not because of bugs. It's because they had disappointed a lot of customers with missing features and have given the reasons for this too late. The customers felt ripped off. That's the problem in my opinion and not the 10 Dollars. But this is just my personal analysis, not the end of the world. I will continue to play CM :)
@Toblakai , About the BF forums and complaints, people dont get jumped on if they compalin in a more polite manner in my experience (no insults). Complaints are needed to keep BF on their toes.

Lets hope the last buggs soon are fixed!
No need to search any further nathangun. There are no flamethrowers in BN & FI. They are not added with the 3.0 upgrade. I guess they will be implemented with a Battle Pack.
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