User Ranks

Now that the ranks are back, can't everybody's post count be re-set to zero so that we all start as privates?
A lot of peoples posts were lost with the old FGM anyway, so lets restart on a level playing field
I did look into this....

Is there anyway to reset all members of a forum's post count back to 0?

The answer...

You could run this query:
UPDATE user SET postcount = 0</pre>
However we don't recommend manipulating the database like this and you do so at your own risk.

So although it would be nice to reset posts as I have a top heavy load due to copying everyones post across from the old forum I would rather not start pissing about with the database. Sorry.
I vote for leaving as is. I don't see any need in doing any more work than necessary.
Yeah as Bootie pointed out, VBulletin said- "we don't recommend manipulating the database like this and you do so at your own risk"
So if they don't recommend it we daren't ignore their advice.
The ranks thing is not all that important anyway because it's the quality of a posters posts that are more important rather than the quantity..;)
Apart from that I thik it'll work as a good incentive for the regulars to get their post count up - and the regulars usuall don't post crap anyway. Which brigns me to my own post count...
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