VAAR-Bad Day at Beach Red

Hey @enigma6584 .... there are some video settings at a thread (probably 1.5 yrs ago) at BFC that will get your pixeltruppen not to 'ice skate' around the arena of battle... I remember having that happen and I did those settings and waalaaa... no more skating...

Great Video... and I look forward to many more AAR that way... I always considered doing that for a campaign, but my limited attention span makes video editing a chore... and Hell That Tyrant @Bootie has me working on the ladders... yes ladders (not the railroad) all the livelong day... :)
Hey @enigma6584 .... there are some video settings at a thread (probably 1.5 yrs ago) at BFC that will get your pixeltruppen not to 'ice skate' around the arena of battle... I remember having that happen and I did those settings and waalaaa... no more skating...

Great Video... and I look forward to many more AAR that way... I always considered doing that for a campaign, but my limited attention span makes video editing a chore... and Hell That Tyrant @Bootie has me working on the ladders... yes ladders (not the railroad) all the livelong day... :)

Stop making nonsense posts and get back to work.

Hey @enigma6584 .... there are some video settings at a thread (probably 1.5 yrs ago) at BFC that will get your pixeltruppen not to 'ice skate' around the arena of battle... I remember having that happen and I did those settings and waalaaa... no more skating...

Great Video... and I look forward to many more AAR that way... I always considered doing that for a campaign, but my limited attention span makes video editing a chore... and Hell That Tyrant @Bootie has me working on the ladders... yes ladders (not the railroad) all the livelong day... :)

Thanks, glad you liked it. As mentioned in video, I intend to make more. I do indeed love this simulation. So many things you can do with it with respect to "fun factor." I've never heard of a graphics fix regarding sliding pixeltruppen. That is interesting.
Terrific video. I like the format that you developed.

Thank you. Glad you liked it. There will be more. I also think with some of the new camera features coming with CMRT, videos will be more nuanced to say the least. It is going to be interesting.
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