Vets favorite QB troop build.



This freashmeat was wondering what unit build you vets like to being to QB match. I have been trying to get a standard build ready for h2h and would love some ideas.
I am a NOOB and get my arse handed to me often in QB's. Best way to learn is just go out and play, nothing is a substitute for experience. After the match review the map and see what your opponent purchased, make notes and ask him questions why he bough what he did. Most guys here are pretty good and will teach new guys stuff.

I don't think there is a on golden winning many variables for that.
Hard to answer, because there are many things to consider such as the map, attack/defend or meeting engagement, weather, which nationality you are playing, etc.
I was thinking just your go to favorite unit composition for any country or situation. Those units you find yourself having to get every battle. Any fight settings. Just trying to get a sense of what the vets build mix looks like. I have been watching the YouTube AAR and looking online but cannot seem to find much on this. Mabey your favorite attack build or defense build any faction, point setting. I agree the tactical flexibility in this game is amazing.
Thanks for you input. We could get a poll going after a few suggestions on the crowd favorite build/ unit.
I do consider some things more valuable than others. For example Stugs vs Panzers. I think there is some point difference between them but the tank makes up for the extra cost with versatility.

If you're playing an urban map it's worth considering how many automatic weapons you want per squad. I once bought a platoon of Sturmgrenadiers with Stg44s just to take a single church. And it worked beautifully :D

Say you're playing a QB meeting engagement, with two objectives near each deployment. You could bring a couple of cheap AT guns to set up far back, so if your attack doesn't go so great and you need to fall back you can still ambush your opponent as he chases you down.

Usually though, I try to keep my support weapons and my infantry proportional. I always try to bring a few on map mortars and a few heavy vehicles, if the rules allow. It's all going to depend on the map though. Tailor your forces to your plan, and your plan to the map.
what is the best German core infantry for def in your opinion. How about arty?
Favorite infantry formation to attach or defend? Favorite unit in general. I love the 120 mortars.
Depends on several factors. If you're defending a small map as the Germans, Grenadiers should do fine as there probably won't be a need for mechanized infantry. Defending is the only time I ever buy AT or infantry guns, as they are too much of a challenge to use effectively on the attack or in a meeting engagement, IMO.
Amen, even on defense I struggle finding a survivable spot with decent LOS with my AT guns. What size infintry guns do you go with?
Next time you have a battle, take a top down screenie of the map, load it into paint, and spend some time going back and forth analyzing it. Make notes on key terrain, LOS, avenues of approach and such on your paint document, and form a plan of attack or defense. Then when you select your units, pick the best units for your plan.

Know that you'll be engaging the enemy at 100 yards or less? Pick a unit with a lot of automatic weapons. Defending a position with long lines of sight? Get cheaper units that have mg42s, HMGs, and mortars. Need to cross a lot of terrain in a hurry? Get mechanized infantry. If you know that counterattacking with two tanks while your opponent is crossing a field will ruin his day, get two tanks. What might be great for one situation might be terrible for another.

On the subject of infantry guns, bigger is better, if you can afford them. The 150 mm guns can instantly suppress entire platoons with the first shot if they're close enough together.
Boom. Go info. Thank you for the tips. That is what I'm after. I don't really know what units are effective doing what role. Just trying to get a general idea of their capabilities and the vets opinions of such units in these capacities.
It takes a lot of time when you start from scratch.

Some of us are ( unfortunately ? ) old enough to have started by playing board games like ASL or 1/300th table wargames before computer games existed so we have now some kind of understanding about what is doing what. But it was learned the same way as you will learn : through trial and error and getting your arse handed to you countless times. It is mostly through defeat that you learn how to win (some smart guy said that before me, can't remember who it was ... :) )

Some military background can help, a lot of reading about history and real tactics of WW2 can't hurt either. ;)

Add to this the specifity of each game. I am one of the unfortunate guys who started with ASL and 1/300th models, but I still have to understand a few things about CMx2 which is different from the large number of games I played with CMx1.

Edit : I am fortunate in a way that I never was obsessed by the desire to win the game. I don't really care about ladders and rankings and the most important is to have a good time playing interesting games with some nice guys sharing the same philosophy.
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Indeed. I have a firm grasp on tactics, history and such but the variety of formations leaves me a bit overwhelmed. Finding the vets personal favorites I thought would be a good start. I definitely fit in with this crowd.
May be I missed something but so far on the troops purchase screen I didn't find the precise information about what weapons/ammo are used by the different troops, which means you have to use them once to know and note down to remember or find external information sources such as Excel sheets which existed for CMx1.

Edit : For CMRT I still have my old Pdf docs from CMBB with all units but not sure they are still the same.
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Just another thought :

I agree with Dellie Jonut about the top down general picture of the battlefield to imagine a plan, but don't forget also afterwards to check it at ground level. Sometimes a small depression in the terrain or a small high ground with reverse slope can be as efficient at hiding troops as a patch of woods.
Also important to find hull down positions for tanks.
@Corsaire31 You're absolutely right. I meant I like to go back and forth between the game map and the Paint picture, marking all those things so they don't slip your mind.

EDIT: BTW if anyone finds the excel charts like you're talking about, or wants to make some, I'd love to have a copy
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