Stolen from another forum... sorry no sourcing but some of the numbers do appear in the ballpark to what I've read elsewhere.
Currency Conversion Rates.
1 USD = 5.31 Poland zloty.
1 USD = .21 British pound.
1 USD = 37.7 French frank.
1 USD = 2.5 German mark.
1 USD = 5.3 Russian rubles. Pegged artificially low. Actual rate should be about 1 USD per 10 rubles.
1 USD = 4 Swedish krona in 1935. This exchange rate bounced around a bit.
Small Arms.
$13. Luger P08 9mm pistol.
$15. M1911 .45cal pistol. This is a WWI price.
$24. MP40 SMG.
$26. MP44 assault rifle. This is a late war price when production costs were lower.
$26. M1917 Enfield rifle. WWI price.
$28. 7.92mm Mauser 98k rifle.
$31. 7.92mm wz.29 bolt action rifle (Poland).
$70. Thompson SMG. Spring 1942 price.
$83. M1 Garand rifle. Price is for July 1942 Winchester.
$100. MG42 machinegun. Late war price.
$105. M14 rifle. 1960 price.
$131. MG34 machinegun. The tripod costs an additional $160.
$270. 7.92mm wz.28 BAR (Poland).
$396. 7.92mm wz.30 HMG (Poland).
Anti Tank Guns.
$2,292. 3.7cm/45 Pak36.
$4,240. 5cm/60 Pak38
$4,800. 7.5cm/48 Pak40.
AA Guns.
$2,400. 2cm Flak38 (single barrel).
$13,440. 8.8cm Flak18.
Field Artillery.
$32. 105mm howitzer shell.
$14,400. Sd.Kfz.7 half track prime mover.
$324. 8cm mortar Gr.W.34.
$480. 12cm mortar Gr.W.42.
$6,560. 10.5cm leFH18 howitzer.
$15,400. 15cm sFH howitzer.
Armored Vehicles. These prices include weapons and other normally installed equipment.
$9,024. Sd.Kfz.7 medium half track (3 ton / infantry squad).
$20,000. Panzer MkIIC tank. 10 tons. 20mm autocannon. 15mm armor.
$34,181. 7TP light tank. 10 tons. 37mm main gun. 17mm armor.
$37,096. R35 light tank. 10 tons. 37mm main gun. 43mm armor.
$40,000. Panzer MkIIIG (and later) tank. 50mm main gun. 30mm armor.
$46,000. M4 (Sherman) tank. 35 tons. 75mm main gun.
$46,387. Panzer MkIVG (and later) tank. 75mm main gun. 50mm armor.
$60,000. Panzer MkV (Panther) tank. 75mm/70 main gun. 80mm armor.
$119,920. Panzer MkVIE (Tiger) tank. 88mm main gun. 100mm armor.
$30,943. T-34/76 tank. 164,000 rubles. Official exchange rate. Real USD price is roughly twice this amount.
$23,000 P-36 fighter.
$50,000. F6F Hellcat fighter.
price data for 1941 for some German aircraft types, via Olaf Groehlers GdLK, 1910-1980:
Without engine / with engine, in Reichsmarks (RM)
Bf 109E : 58 000 / 85 970
Bf 110C : 155 800 / 210 140
He 111H : 203 900 / 265 650
Ju 88A : 245 200 / 306 950
Ju 87B : 100 300 / 131 175
Ju 52 : 125 800 / 163 000
Do 17 : 185 500 / 235 00
Type VII U boat. 2.5 million marks.
Lancaster heavy bomber. 42,000 pounds sterling. 1943 price. This price is not verified.
1940 Man hours required to build airframe.
4,000. Me-109 fighter.
10,300. Hurricane fighter.
15,200. Spitfire fighter. Another source states 13,000 man hours.
20,000. Ju-88 medium bomber.
1942 Man hours required to build airframe.
3,500. Me-109 fighter.
5,400. Fw-190 fighter.
12,000. P-51A fighter / dive bomber.
30,000. He-219 night fighter.
Aircraft Engine Prices.
$25,000 Packard built RR Merlin engine.
$19,000 Allison V-1710 engine.
$16,500 Wright R-2600 engine.
$ 11,188 DB601 engine. (27,970 marks)
$10,000 Wright R-1820 engine.
45,000 to 65,000 marks for a BMW801 engine during 1942.
$2,765,000 for a Gato class submarine.
$2 million for a Libety ship.
$10,800 for a DUKW
$12,500 for a LCVP.
2.5 million marks for a Type VII U boat.
48 million Yen for an Agano class CL.