War Thunder


FGM Sergeant
May 18, 2014
Reaction score
Hi Guys,

I've seen the post about the World of Tanks roll call but I can't help but be confused as to why there is a roll call for WoT and not for the lesser known but in my opinion vastly superior and authentic MMO WW2 tank/air game, War Thunder. I am assuming most of you here would prefer playing a more realistic game than one that is more dumbed down.

If you are in to a more realistic representation of WW2 vehicles and more realistic maps, mechanics and modelling, then War Thunder leaves WoT with the mass of kiddies firing point blank at each other with their uber tanks on a daily basis.

I have played both, sticking to realitsic/simulation setting tank servers mainly in War Thunder, and I can not more highly recommend War Thunder over WoT.

Like WoT it is free to play, allows customization and advancement. Unlike WoT, War Thunder typically always pitches Allies vs Axis with all but some of the later tier units being actual WW2 units.

Unlike WoT, there is no dumb "arty tank" units that lob HE, though there is an option to call in artillery with an upgrade which, although kinda corny, is not too ridiculous or over used to feel too arcady.

The factions represented so far are German, USA, Japan, Brits and Russians (though tat the moment only German, Russian and US tansk are in)

Here are some vids of their latest updates:

I am not sure if those playing WoT know of War Thunder but if you do, I would really like to know why you would stick to WoT.
OK, definitely not trying to insult or shame anyone here so apologies to anyone who took it that way. Perhaps a bit of the frustration and disappointment split over from my expectations of a missed opportunity of what I wanted WoT to be and what it is. I would probably be trying to get what I want out of WoT as far as a WW2 tank sim type game if I had never heard of War Thunder though. Can you suggest any other? (The Red Orchestra tanks are quite well done btw) My post was more an expression of surprise as to why WoT seemed to have captured players attention here rather than War Thunder given that the type of game War Thunder is probably appeals to your more "I like realism" crowd that I think is more prevalent here.

I did not call War Thunder or WoT simulators, but as far as WW2 tank combat sims go, it's more of a tank sim than WoT or any other current title that springs to mind. I can't remember if there are different game modes in WoT but War Thunder has three: Arcade, Realism and Simulation Battles, and you can choose which to play. So if you want to play Arcade Battles in War Thunder you can do that, but the gameplay/controls in the Realism/Simualtion Battles are very different.

ie. lock target/no lock target, auto aim/manual aim, 360deg 3rd person views/crew views only, all seeing minimap/minimap that just shows friendlies etc.

Still some of the things already there are quite cool:

- detailed damage modelling to different parts and different crew to tanks based on ballistics calculations.
- crew can become unconscious rendering their position inoperable
- crew can become wounded making them less proficient at their role (eg. wounded loader increases reload time etc)
- crew and vehicles can be damaged/injured based on physics based kinetic collisions with 3D obstacles (eg. thick trunked trees, buildings)
- speed/mobility dependent on terrain type
- time delay when crew take over for killed crew member
- turret rotation speeds and the ability for tanks to rotate in place (eg. Tigers can, Shermans can't)
- very cool slo-mo x-ray style tank kill cam replay for your own tank.

There are definitely things that are (still) very arcady in Simulation Battles
- your crew can repair almost any damage done to your tank while in battle, albeit as long as you have the repair/toolbox upgrade for you tank and can spend up to a few minutes unable to move while repairs are being carried out.
- a counter tells you exactly how many minutes your crew will remain unconscious and how long any repairs will take to complete though you do not know when you
- their is a crew delay to get them in position before they start repairing
- you can just drive the tank using auto gear change by using the WASD keys
- the commanders view is only from his view from the copula perspective and is always available ie. no buttoning up of TC possible
- minimap view always visible lower right of screen, shows location of self and other team mates on map

War Thunder has such potential and player base to be even more "simmy" than it currently can be and the developers are working on it.

In case I have missed something, is there another more WW2 tank sim style game going around that I may be overlooking?
I had fun with WoT once as well so I am not disputing the fun element to it. It all about what kind of gaming experience you are looking to have.

The two games share a lot in common of course but it is the key differences and features that are present in one and not in the other that make me choose one over the other. The catering for players with a more historical/sim based interest is what draws me to War Thunder.
I got bored of World of Tanks some time ago and didn't bother to try out War Thunder for a while, because I thought it just be the same. But good thing I did pick up War Thunder eventually, I'm enjoying it far more than I ever did WoT.
I'm on Warthunder also. In my opinion WoT is a little more "fun" and less realistic, because seems to me in Warthunder, more often than not, if you get hit you're knocked out by the first round, often before you see the tank firing... just my 2 cents worth
I am downloading WT now as I type....my call sign Floki_fgm (how original) 50 minutes still to download.
Apparently the devs have gone nuts with 'realistic' mode. Now you will play on arcade maps and with airstarts with means boom and zoom planes are screwed because you never have the time to climb, so goodbye USA and Germany.
I played WoT a long time ago and quit mainly because I didn't like the way matches were set up. It seemed like I was low tier no matter how much I grinded away for that "next tank". It seems (at least to me) that matches are set up differently in WT and I can last for much longer in a battle. That = more fun for me. I only play arcade so can't comment on the rest. Oh ya the planes are fun to play.
As a long time WoT gamer I recently switched (about 3 months ago) over to WT and love it. Never going back to WoT. I consider WT better in pretty much every category. But it did seem much easier getting into WoT. I guess it was just tough getting use to the way WT works and the interface.

I also was a long time tanker in Red Orchestra, loved it. Simply put, WT in sim mode is the closest to it.

My callsign is Jaggy in WT, feel free to hit me up in game to team up.

Does a FGM team for WT exist? Maybe we could make one?
Also I've had several fist pumping cheering moments thats impossible to have in WoT. Which is shooting down planes with the AA tanks. It's not easy to do but extremely rewarding. I bagged 2 planes in a single mission awhile back, keep thinking about it! :uzi:


I'm always down for a few rounds. My WT ID is Rambler04. You can add me on Steam (Steam name rambler and my avatar is an A-10C) or drop by the TeamSpeak server to get a game going. I'll warn you though, I just started playing three weeks ago. Needless to say I'm still very much in the lower tiers. Crap tanks ftw!
I'm always down for a few rounds. My WT ID is Rambler04. You can add me on Steam (Steam name rambler and my avatar is an A-10C) or drop by the TeamSpeak server to get a game going. I'll warn you though, I just started playing three weeks ago. Needless to say I'm still very much in the lower tiers. Crap tanks ftw!

I'm just now moving into tier 3, getting a Tiger soon. One thing I noticed, once you buy and crew a next tier tank then from then on when searching for battles it will be in that tier. Which can make things more tough since you may only have a single tank for that tier. So a solution is to not crew your next tier tank until you got at least two tanks of that tier. I didn't know this when changing from tier 1 to 2, but still made good progress anyway. So it's not a big deal early on but noticed this more at tier 2 to 3.

You can still buy the next tier tank and train your crew for it, but if you want to go back to the previous tier then just uncrew it and recrew your previous tank.
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