Just had a glorious moment last night playing my Pzr IVH and popped a Sherman at a whopping 1600m. Everybody on the server was like "Hell yeah nice shot dude!". Of course this is in realism mode, no fun with the arcade hit indicators and nothing to brag about. This was on the Kursk map with some very long ranges for great tank duels. It's hilly too of course so can also get up close and personal.
One thing I noticed about being in Tier 3 is that it seems more people are playing realism mode, wait time is very short. It's like everybody kicks off their training wheels (Arcade mode) at the same time.
One thing I noticed about being in Tier 3 is that it seems more people are playing realism mode, wait time is very short. It's like everybody kicks off their training wheels (Arcade mode) at the same time.