I would say my first view from afar on these two games (Airland Battle and European Escalation) was exactly the same as most of your comments here, and I don't think it plays well a H2H game because of the way players exploit the game mechanics. As a single player campaign, I have had some great battles of Airland Battle.
My critisism would be the way the area control aspect works - essentially if you have one unit per area it is ok - winner takes all. If you have a 2 brigade on one tho, you have to fight each brigade individually - this can lead to some very odd situations - but overall it is enjoyable - every weapon has a counter, and the strengths and weaknesses of each brigade become obvious as you play - although not to many of the players you see texting asking why their pivads can't defeat a T80 or some other question that perfectly illustrates their lack of knowledge.
If you see a demo I would say give it a go. It is a different take on modern combat - the rate at which ammo is expended, and the various rock, paper scissor combinations make for good tactical situations...