
I got an email about it from Matrix this morning. TBH I had known nothing about it until then. I may get a preview/review copy of it. Will post my findings here.
Curious as how you go about convincing them to send you a "preview" copy? I am guessing you have a site in which you write reviews. Sort of like what Bootie does here.
That is correct, I was invited by a PR rep from Matrix to their preview/review program based upon some of my Campaign Flashpoint: Red Storm videos I did on my Youtube channel.
Always found the actual battle fascinating. Was browsing Amazon recently when I came upon this http://www.amazon.com/Waterloo-Hist...=UTF8&qid=1430866290&sr=1-2&keywords=waterloo and simply had to have it.

Not that I know in advance how good it will be, but I know the author (figuratively) Bernard Cornwell very well. I simply devoured his Richard Sharpe novels about the Napoleonic War with great gusto and expect to read wonderful things from him again.
I have played ACW scourge games and enjoyed ,was a few years ago now ,I have seen the Waterloo game on Matrix too.
One of my favourite battles going back to older Waterloo games , Battleground Waterloo of course and another one over 15 years ago on my older Amiga system it was a Peter Turcan (check Wikipedia for more ) game which was more about sending messages to your troops, then watching how they reacted.
I read the preview and this new Waterloo has similar ways of playing.
Its one I will buy if its playing as good as it looks.....
Always found the actual battle fascinating. Was browsing Amazon recently when I came upon this http://www.amazon.com/Waterloo-Hist...=UTF8&qid=1430866290&sr=1-2&keywords=waterloo and simply had to have it.

Not that I know in advance how good it will be, but I know the author (figuratively) Bernard Cornwell very well. I simply devoured his Richard Sharpe novels about the Napoleonic War with great gusto and expect to read wonderful things from him again.

Few years ago I visited the site of the battle. Of course a lot has changed since then. Not in the least the lionshill which was made as a memorial.
Of course ideally you should have shown the British infantry as the 'thin red line' not the French, what is it with games companies they seem to be shown the elements but not grasp the whole.

Nice to see them trying tho...
Looking good , having played the ACW games early on they can only get better...my favourite battle also.
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