Welcome to the club! **New Members Please Read**


I'd just like to welcome you to the club and say you have made a good choice in becoming a member here.

If you have time please do post an introduction thread just saying hello... even follow the format I have used in my one. It doesnt have to be in depth but its good to know your approachable. Nothing makes us more uncomfortable than having lurkers sitting in the shadows with their trenchcoats pulled up round their faces. Of course if you are more the quiet type still do say hello and we will then leave you to your own devices. :)

We pride ourselves on our welcoming nature and interactivity so dont be afraid to jump in and start posting.

Thanks for reading.

Greetings all, from Denmark.

Old(-ish) wargamer who was lucky enough to grow up in the Avalon Hill/Victory Games boom, so started out with cardboard.
Now, due to space constraints, I've converted to PC games. Plus, having two cats means leaving games out on the table is....ill-advised. ;)
Mainly play John Tiller games, but also CM, GT-Mius, WITE2, Decisive Campaigns, and probably a few others I've forgotten.

Actually stumbled in here by mistake....
Someone posted a link to the Graviteam PDF, and here I am. Amazing what you can find online. :)
Doubtful that I'll join in the CM multiplayer, since I find the whole Dropbox thing to be an unnecessary hassle.
But if I can interest anyone in JTS/WDS titles, I'm game, as it were.

ASL eh? :unsure:I know I've hear of that somewhere;)

Just kidding, I started playing Avalon Hill Board Games back in the 1960's.
I had just about every game they put out.
There's a topic called Hex Based Wargaming you may like under "Other Games".

Yes nothing worse than being in the middle of an attack and get cat-blitzed.

There is a program here called H2HH or Head to Head Helper that once you setup the Dropbox transfers the files automatically.
It's very convenient.
You can always exchange files by email too. I kind of like that way so there can be a bit of a conversation during the game.

That said, I'd like to welcome you to the board,


Hi Just joined. Interested in WW2 especially Normandy and the Campaign into Germany after the breakout, so Combat Mission hits the spot for so many reasons. I had the first Combat Mission which I played a lot - so looking forward into getting back into it now I have the time.
Hello everyone, just joined the few good men. I have been a loooong time ASL player back when the only option was FTF. I have been playing Combat mission PBEM for a few years now and am looking to expand my opponent options. I am up for large / small / defender/ attacker/ ME . I have CMBN, FB, RT, and FI titles with most of the expansions. I live in the USA in the eastern time zone, I can be most reliably reached at mlehotan@bellsouth.net If you are interested in a reliable PBEM opponent drop me a line. ...... Cheers.
Welcome aboard gentlemen.

woodcutter, ASL you say? There are a few scenarios out there that some recreated a CM scenario from an SL scenario. Of course they were sized and tweaked a bit but still brings back some memories. :)
Hello guys! I joined a few days ago.
I'm pretty new to the Combat Mission games and the only game I own is Black Sea, which it seems is the most difficult of the bunch considering all the modern technology and all that. I've been wanting to buy Fortress Italy for some time now since it's one of my favorite theaters with me being brazilian.
I'm mostly a coop player so most games I play are either singleplayer or PvE/PvAI. That being said, I've got quite a few hours in more arcade RTS's like Gates of Hell and Men of War Assault Squad 2, either in the conquest mode or the campaign just messing around. I have also dumped 1000 hours on Arma 3 mostly playing the campaigns or Antistasi plus some coop missions made by my friends.
I'm pretty new to forums plus I might fumble some of my english sometimes, so please excuse me if I do something wrong or sound confusing sometimes.
Thanks for having me, guys!
Hello everybodee, thanks for the add. I'm an officially BOAS modeler, having been a keen youngster modeller until life took over and now getting back into modelling in a more or less hardcore fashion since about five years, after the girlfriend said "you do bang on about modelling a bit don't you? But I've not seen you do one yet." So, pushed sleeves up, and now have an unreasonable stash size and a build rate of one to six per month depending on the scale and how much of a lark I'm prepared to go to to improve a kit on detail. I mainly do planes, and because of the age and the fundamental destruction of all of my senses tend towards the bigger scales. Although, I do like to muck about with the rarer 100, 96 and oddsocks scales from time to time, because "you know" and "I bet I can". Wanna know what "BOAS" means? Well, it's a time in life where a lot of us from the birthdays in the sixties are achieving, "burnt out at sixty". I have health issues that mean that my sport is modelling, it replaces pretty much all other interests. A lot of you will know what I mean. My main interest areas are in WW one and two, and the esoterics. I deeply love the swansong period of British aviation in the sixties. I like to study the aircrafts history and detail in order to super detail and take a kit, even a horrible one, to acceptable levels. I definitely have a kink for SMER kits, they're horrible, so I feel sorry for them and make them stand up to review. I'm not a competition winner or a rivet counter and do this for a laugh, but at the same time have some nifty shortcuts and clever tricks that I will gladly give away. Pet peeve? People who buy up pre production runs to oversell. I want a classic ariframes Blenheim 4 and an F3D Skyknight, both in 1:48 scale for under the price of a flat in Mayfair in London. I will swap my cats for either of them. Loooots of cats. There are lots of posts on here to interest me here so we'll see each other from time to time, I'm sure. ReeseAlive, France. (Expat, Ukasansalé) (UK, sans (without ale) the beer here is crap) Ukelaly)
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