What are you listening to right now?

Eagles *and* Big Lebowski fan here, so we at least have some common ground. :)

R.I.P. Glenn Frey.

As "The dude" says in the back of the cab

"Man, can you shut that off, I hate the f**kin Eagles"

Just kidding, great musicians, I even own the Hotel California album, yes album, have plenty of old vinyl. Wife loves them, so I'm forced to hear it on Pandora quite often, course she has to tolerate my Metalica, and old German Prog Rock.
Haven't heard this for years, great song...............turn the friggin speakers up and blast it out.......

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continuing the dog theme, here's Pink Floyd with Seamus the dog (my spaniel Jake howls his head off to this)....

Another great title from A great album

Whilst I am grateful that my kids (and future generations) don't have to live through the cold war again and know what the Berlin wall was all about; it sure gave us some great music :)
(Devils advocate mode on : If some of the poung people think we live in a time of danger from terrorism etc right now they should swop places with us oldies - I remember being searched at every public event, evacuating my school several times in 5 years for possible bomb alerts, playing rugby on grounds that had slit trenches along the sides; carrying ammo and firearms EVERY time I travelled out of town etc.)
Phil Collins - The Roof is Leaking

(Some desperate shit with my song choices today, guess I must be in a good mood - the desperate times make me glad to have made it this far even if many did not - And YES I do know this means I'm NOT nice - Live with it.)
@steve Tapestry is probably one of my top 10 albums (Only probably because my music taste varies dependant on mood, which of my personalities is running loose between my ears and other random stuff)

But another old all time classic by one of the GREATEST bands of all time (No arguments most of Zinzan's various screwed up parts agree on 2 things - Led Zeppelin & Pink Floyd are greatest bands of all times and anything fun is worthdoing lots of times regardless of consequences)

All hail the Zep.

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