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This album is worth a listen..........great musicianship and some fine tracks.......

PF are my favourite band of all time, and DSOTM my favourite album.
Can you imagine what it was like for me hearing it for the first time - lying on my bed with the speakers either side of me.......didn't have any headphones, but when I heard it again with those on ....O.M.G.
Saw them live at Earls Court in on the PULSE Tour in 1994 when Sam Brown sang her lungs out.......

Best gig I went to, apart from Queen, and I was also at this Supertramp concert in Paris in November 1979.....

Love the guitar solo at the end.....

Not bad for a misspent youth really.....
When I was a boy my mum used to play the Carpenters all the time.........to this day I love the sound of Karen's voice........in this clip you can also see her great talent as a drummer.......they really were outstanding.

This is also fine.........kudos to the bass player too......

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