I am in a Celine Dion Mood....Lovely Song and Singer
We also have done a Battle of the Proms, Stowe in Buckinghamshire was our Venue, Really GoodBack in the summer of 2007 we went to Blenheim Palace with some friends to see Battle of the Proms - a fantastic night. We were sat quite a distance from the stage when a blind opera singer, Denise Leigh, was introduced. She started singing and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, I was amazed. I promptly left the wife and friends to get a closer look and to hear clearer - what an amazing experience.
She sang Song to the Moon by Dvorak, and I'll never forget it - I've always loved live music but this sort of stuff is not my normal cup of musical tea.
Here she is on stage........
Here's the song sung by Anna Netrebko.......
That is F**kin awesome..on a plastic toy guitar no lessWal-Mart rock stars.