What are you listening to right now?

Interesting cover....

I'd class this as BRILLIANT, never mind interesting. I gotta check out this band/group/collective/thingy called Rag-N-Bone man, (interesting recycling and branding....!! )
(He's impressed)

Wow an Zuid Afrikan with cultured taste in music - whatever next??? (errrrrrrrrr.......... Hmmmmmmm...... no I got nothing,....... Sorry?)

Don Estelle had a very fine voice - right up there with the likes of Matt Monro et al........alas his height and looks held him back in this regard, nevertheless a superb singer in his own right.

Thanks for sharing.

I have a soft spot for that kind of music, guess I was born at the wrong time.

Don Estelle had a very fine voice - right up there with the likes of Matt Monro et al........alas his height and looks held him back in this regard, nevertheless a superb singer in his own right.

Doesn't hold back the ginger ED Sheeran, and he's a big star as well as a ugly ginger, did I mention he's ginger?

an absolute classic...............

Those of a certain age will recognise these two............

.......and just in case you were wondering........yes, Rick Wakeman is rather good..........

.......I dare ya not to tap yer feet at some point during this.............


Express Yourself - Madonna (Well!!??? Hmmmmmmm ....... all I can offer in mitigation is that he had some "interesting times" in the 80's. ... Your Honour)
..........another wander thru the album of my life.............

......and I heard this on the radio and just had to look it up on You Tube........little known, but fine musicians........I'm especially impressed by the percussion....

Feeling flexible.........prepare to be amazed..........

Skip to 1.25 to start the show.....

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