Who wants to play?

Well so it seems. It might be specific to some maps, because I've now seen it happen twice with the same map (QB132).

I've reported a loss to the new ladder. Your tanks were totally rocking, it was stupid of me to think that 47 mm Semoventes would do any harm to a Sherman.
I was surprised that the Semoventes was so helpless counting my shermans!
I have tried to confirm the game on the ladder, but I have to report the points, what did you write?
No problem I figured it out. If you want another game, just drop something in my DropBox .

if you're still interested in a battle, i'm ready for one!

QB medium size, each side is ok for me (prefer less than 1 hour battles, only daylight please!)
Thanks for the game, it was a close call. # minutes more, and you would have killed my men at the roadcrossing.
Should we try another one? If yes, send me a file, and I will reply ASAP.

Thanks to you also... I had no chance instead.. i tried a desperate final attack with my infantry that got decimated.. You won the Tank battle... and then your Shermans ruled the battlefield.. Moreover i purchased two 150 mm Inf Gun that never had a role in the battle (i correct ... i ordered indirect fire against the woods approaching the crossroad, but i didn't consider the trees blocking the line of fire ... as result i hit my own men, destroying a mortar team that could have been very important considering the battle history)... We both made mistakes... probably you damaged most of your Shermans tracks in rough terrain.. (i don' think i immobilized all the damaged Shermans with my firepower...) ... the incredible aspect of this battle is that one of your Tanks that seemed lost (i sow the crew abandoning the Tank) was really decisive in the final part of the battle... My greatest error was to change strategy, deciding to go for the kill of your Tanks on my right flank... but i didn't consider well the route for the flanking maneuver (the idea wasn't bad, infact i destroyed the first one), and my Tank was quite bogged down exposing the flank to your advancing (Ghost !!) Tank. That was the end of the story.. i couldn't understand why you hesitated so much to give the final kill.. in AAR i understood.. All your Tanks (except one) were immobilized.
Anyway, your rapid and risky advance on my right flank was the decisive move and completely surprised me.
Surely in the near future we will start another.. Still better if part of some Campaign (Sicily, Overlord, Domination)..
Thanks again for the game.. I reported the loss on the Ladder, you must confirm!
@ Bluberry

Just looked at the ladder..
You must report 1 (for the winner) and 0 (for the loser) only.. not the real score ... see the rules for ladder game..
I don't know if you can correct, or if you must contact the Administrator to make the change.
I didn't see this first. You are right, my tanks bogged down due to the rough terrain.
I think my advance on your left flank, the one with the ghost tank, was my best move. That he cought your vehicles, the mark IV, the Grille and the protze was my luck. I did wonder why you did not have more artillery, but that is the explanation.
I will contact the admin of the ladder, my mistake.
GG, Diablo85

You totally got me after I wasted my units. Also noticed that rocky terrain is not good for vehicles.

I just spilled a glass of buttermilk over my keyboard while writing this message. That's how excited I am over the last turn.
And I just wept tears all over my keyboard :eek:
You got a nasty SP or two driving around....I guess I'll have to give up soon. (on the othjer hand, my soldiers run away and panick for the slightest opposition, think thay are really tired of their general....)
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