My first PBEM opponent was Klosiu from CMHQ-PL and it was, I think winter 2000
Surprisingly I won this battle thanks to Churchill tank which was standing on high hill on my edge of map. (that was very primitive tactics but it worked

Klosiu's PZIV were under shelling of my 4,5inch arty and got immobilised

I remember this game very well until now

That is power of this game.
Later on I remember famous international tourneys made by Vulture - I was captain of CMHQ-PL squads and then I have met FGM players

That was my only one victory against klosiu
I have found Vulture's page and it seems that I have played my first intentional PBEM against Soldier
30 Jun 04. Game 23 between Soldier (Blitz B 5) and MGK (CMHQ PL 11) ended in a Minor Victory (2pts) for MGK
and there were ears of struggle against Band of Brothers and FGM
3. 2004/5 CMAK Armoured (Team) Joust.
Number of Players: 120
Number of Teams: 10
1st Band Of Brothers Team 2 and CMHQ PL - Team 1
2nd CMHQ PL - Team 2
3rd FGM
2. 2004 CMBO Armoured (Team) Joust.
Number of Players: 84
Number of Teams: 7
1st CMHQ PL Team 1
2nd BoB and CMPQ PL Team 2
3rd Blitz Team C 'The Wicked'
1. 2004 CMBB Armoured (Team) Joust.
Number of Players: 72
Number of Teams: 6
2nd BofB
3rd FGM