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World of Tanks Roll Call


FGM Major
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Heart of America
Hi all, I see several of you have started delving into WoT and thought it might be fun to get everyone's WoT Handle ( and FGM Handle) so I can update my target...er...friends list. I'd like to send out a howdy or a AP round downrange, depending if you are an ally or a red OPFOR...and maybe an FGM clan is in order....just throwing that out there.

See you on the digital battle field...

FGM handle Wot Handle aka
HOA_KSOP Blitzbear ksbearski or barry

Best WoT noob question of all time...'How come I am never on the red team?"
I've been trying to rev these guys up to WoT, but not much luck so far.
ATM there seems to be you, me (aka Toro_Negro) and Nort (aka Nort1). Bootie dabbled a bit, but then failed.

I looked at the new Japanese tank line and now have a nice Tier II tank called the Chi-Ni. Why? Glad you asked.

It has a ROF of 160 rounds per minute. Yes, that's 1-6-0!! Even if each round causes only 8 hp it sure scares the crap out of the red guy. Not to mention doing wonderful things to your hit ratio stat, assuming you don't miss of course. Then, well, very bad news indeed.
Yep, I have 8.10, the aiomod locked and loaded, but have not messed with the new filters...

I love how they've modified the el Halluf map, much better, less predictable....

As for the Japanese line, I went down the other line, but have enough free experience (which I am saving to buy the better E-75 turret) that I could go down the Chi-Ni line I suppose.

I have researched the US T-32 and German E-75, getting close to pulling the trigger on both...LOL
I'm a bit less enamored with the Chi-Ni than before. Way too possible to miss and screw your hit ratio stats. Plus, it's a tad slow making it pretty easy to kill. More of a novelty tank than anything else. Generally not too impressed with the Japanese tank line and may not go further atm.

Check the filters right now! Seriously, they are impressive.

I recently played Halluf and didn't notice any difference. Clearly not paying attention. What should I be looking for?

The mini-map looks very good. Sharper and easier to recognize terrain.

My two newest tanks are the Tiger (P) and M5 Stuart. The Tiger allows me to use brute force (LOL) and I need to grind the Stuart to get the Chaffee which I really, really want. Although I'm having more fun with the Stuart than I anticipated. Besides just scouting he packs a bit of a punch with its biggest gun and can pick of the wounded if able to keep moving and avoid frontal armor.
I stopped playing WoT awhile back but if you guys have a WoT night planed then I would be happy to join. I noticed that once you hit tier 8/9 you really need a premium account to make running the big guys profitable. Currently my garage has been thinned down to four tanks with the IS-3 being the most active. I did pick up the E-25 awhile back too, what a fun little TD. As for tiers unlocked, Germany, US, and USSR are open to around tier 8 for me.
Septic Limb

Yeah, I don't have a premium account so once you hit tier 7 everything becomes a GRIND and repair costs are really high.

Other than the Japanese tank I am fooling around with, and the free T7 combat car, my garage has tier 5 through 8 rigs. My trusty M-10 is my favorite, but you don't make much money with it, my KV1s with the 122 mm is a favorite, I have the T71 light, a Soviet T44 with the best 100 mm gun, a King Tiger fully upgraded and a US T-29 fully rigged as well. I also have a premium Churchill III, which was gifted to me and a VK 3001 D2, which I am trying to get to the Indien Panzer with. Have tried British stuff up to the Cruiser III and AT-2 and the French line up to the Char B1, but that's about it. Had a Hellcat forever, the elite crew is still in my barracks and considering bringing them back out and am contmplating trying the jackson again or the T25/2, as the hitting power and the frontal armor on the T-28 prototype is pretty impressive, although it's speed sucks. But it's a TD, designed to shoot from hides, so maybe speed is not what you need at 6that tier...also tried arty, but not my bag. I like the US TD's because they are turreted, but the turret traverse speed on them is really slow...but if you're in a decent hide with crew camo skills and a net, it's awesome.

mTk, on El Halluff the mountain has been modified so that you are not channelized if approaching from the south, that you can actually maneuver on the hilltop, they've added more cover in the middle and they have changed the topography some around the village at the east end where the wadi emptied into that lake. So taking the hill is much easier now, especially if 4-5 heavies end up there and climb it from the south cap. You might want to platoon with someone and do a training session and pick El Halluf, then just drive around it in your fastest rig so you can recon the battlefield and pick up the terrain changes and nuances.

Any other WoT fans on this site? I can't believe more people aren't playing this....

Also, anyone playing WarThunder or World of Warplanes. I know POS and Bootie were doing the IL-2 thing for awhile (I have that sim too, it's a blast...), so I wonder if bootie has tried WoW...
I have sidelined WoT while I wait for WarThunder's ground forces to hit open beta. Currently I'm playing flight sims, warthunder mostly but I have just picked up Cliffs of Dover. @Bootie, do you have a key binding guide for Cliffs or any type of command breakdown? The game looks very promising but without any key location guides I spend more time on YouTube than actually playing.
I am researching a few lines.

Brits: I have a Covenentor, headed to the Cromwell. I also have a fully loaded Matilda, as of last night. They play exactly oppositely. So I am learning.

Yanks: I have a Locust premium tank, an M8A1 headed to the Hellcat and the M5 Stuart headed towards the Chaffee.

Soviets: I am grinding toward the T34-85 and the KV-1S. A ways to go in both.

Germans: My joy is the PzIc. Fast, fast, fast. I also have a PzIII/IV and a PzIVS premium that mTk gifted me.

I keep telling myself. It's the journey, not the destination.

M10 is an excellent TD that I enjoy playing off and on but I'm a StuG man at heart. I found the Tiger 2 to be an excellent back fielder and not much of a front liner. Though if you do play it in the backfield get ready to be ripped apart in chat because people don't think that you are playing the tank correctly even though historically that is where the King shined. Long range in WoT is only around 550m which is not really all that far so the whole argument is dumb anyway.
I got tired of U.S. tanks after awhile because even though they are great for hull down WoT's damage system blows and you get killed by "Death by commanders copula" syndrome.

M10 is an excellent TD that I enjoy playing off and on but I'm a StuG man at heart. I found the Tiger 2 to be an excellent back fielder and not much of a front liner. Though if you do play it in the backfield get ready to be ripped apart in chat because people don't think that you are playing the tank correctly even though historically that is where the King shined. Long range in WoT is only around 550m which is not really all that far so the whole argument is dumb anyway.
I got tired of U.S. tanks after awhile because even though they are great for hull down WoT's damage system blows and you get killed by "Death by commanders copula" syndrome.

Septic limb

Agree with you on the Tiger 2, I do play the backfield unless tier 8's are the highest tier in the battle, then I move to the front line or near it. I do catch hell for how I play it, but I look for hull down positions and cover and snipe. I just do, that's the long and short of it. I found the Tiger 1 to be a disappojtment, I thought it was too brittle. I like the VK3601 H, played it mainly before it became a heavy and thought it a great tank.

I bought the E-75 and in my first battle I took ammo rack damage twice, which doubled the gun loading time! I have the tier 9 gun, but the tier 8 turret which clearly is a liability. I think even though I am trying to gain enough free experience to buy the better turret (back and sides are twice the thickness of the tier 8 turret and 25 mm thicker on the front, clearly I will need the better suspension and the engine upgrade, so I am looking at about 80 K XP for those three items and I only have 18K worth of free experience. Looks like another LONG, EXPENSIVE grind...LOL...

I also play the US T-29 from the second line because that thing takes more track damage than any five tanks I own. I get de-tracked about 2-3 times a battle, battle after battle...I catch a ton of hell for that, but I play the way I wanna play and that's that.

I have already sold the Brit light tank freebie after one battle...if I am going to fight a tier 2 with an Mg, I'll stick with the T7CC...LOL

I am researching a few lines.

Brits: I have a Covenentor, headed to the Cromwell. I also have a fully loaded Matilda, as of last night. They play exactly oppositely. So I am learning.

Yanks: I have a Locust premium tank, an M8A1 headed to the Hellcat and the M5 Stuart headed towards the Chaffee.

Soviets: I am grinding toward the T34-85 and the KV-1S. A ways to go in both.

Germans: My joy is the PzIc. Fast, fast, fast. I also have a PzIII/IV and a PzIVS premium that mTk gifted me.

I keep telling myself. It's the journey, not the destination.


I like the Comet, but don't want to work that hard to get it! I liked the T34-85 and love the KV1S with the 122mm, the gun laying and reload times aside. It can one shot so many rigs it's amazing. I managed a 405 HP shot on an M-6 crossing a berm, shot him through the belly...pissed him off too....

I could get the IS, I have it researched on my way to an IS-3, which I think is a cool rig, but am climbing the US and German heavy lines at the moment...Will get to it some day. My son has the IS-3 with the BL-9 gun and it's a beast.

GL, HF, I'll add you to my friends list!

HOA_KSOP aka Barry
Warthunder.com is doing a live stream of their ground forces at 1900GMT today.
Almost got my first Top Gun last night. I was playing my M22 Locust. I got 5 kills and ran down the last enemy tank. I went to gold rounds, making every effort to obtain the coveted award. I started to perform the "circle of death" on an M8A1. After hitting him 3 times, he was down to 2%. Then someone ninja'd my kill a nanosecond before my round found the mark.


I love my "little tank who could." A steady money maker.