World of Tanks

They say they have simulation and rpg mode...I don't know if simulation is real simulation or just arcade shooter...
And we already have a thread about this game. But: yes, it's more of an arcade shooter than a simulation. In fact, I think it'll feel like a FPS - only that you sit in a tank while shooting at other guys. But who cares? It's about TANKS!!!
That's where CMN comes in - that WILL look good. Not exactly that good, but pretty good. Either way I'll try this game once it's out and then review it for FGM.
I have just received code for closed beta test...
So, you can expect few words in next few days...
I'm playing it for quite a while. In general it is shooter, but with lots of simulation aspects. Armor thickness and round penetration is quite nicely calculated (ricochettes including). With AP ammo you have to penetrate armour first to take down hitpoints. Still there is possibility to cause some critics without penetration - damaged gun, turret not rotating etc. If you are lucky enough you can fireup oppo's tank and wait till he burns, or even blow his ammo rack - instant kill, very rare. Another thing is HE ammo causing critics more often, doing some damage without penetration. Every tank has it's runnig charcteristics like speed, turning rate, turret turning rate, reload speed, aiming speed and others. This can be upgraded and here comes RPG part. You start with smallest tank and through battling you gather cash and experience. Experience you spen to "invent" better equipment for your tank (turrets, engines, guns, radios), which you buy later for cash. When your tank is fully upgraded you can "invent" better tanks, spg's, spa's and history starts again but in better machine. You have also crew which is gaining it's own experience and lately can learn usefull skills.

To finish - i am VERY addicted to tanks and for me best game would be pure-very-hardcore simulator, but this game is so addictive that all my complains about it are long gone. I think it's worth trying for everyone.
I'd like to get playing, but even though we're in Open Beta now (if I'm not mistaken), I've never got a confirmation mail, although the system tells me my registration data is already taken... Too bad, would really loved to play with you guys.
Tanks are divided into nations: German, Russian, USA for now, later they will add French and smaller nations. You start with smallest tank from each nation (MS-1, Leichtetraktor, T1 Cunningham). You play - you evolve. When your tank gets down it means in this battle you are finished. After battle tank (wreck) goes back to garage where you can repair it to 100% and - rock'n'roll again. Great thing is you don't have to wait till battle finishes (very boring when you are destroyed) - you can exit battle earlier, take another tank from your garage and go into another battle.

Starting battle - you pick your tank, click start and then system will throw you into battle. System is preparing two squads of 15 tanks theoretically equall in terms of power.
I'd love to - if I could get a registration confirmation!
In early beta there was only North American server. My ping was around 200ms...Or something like that, it was playable anyway...
I"ll see how it works now...
I play on European server and ping is around 50-60, sometimes even 40.

About a FGM clan - great idea. In final version they plan to make clanbattles system with map divided to numerous territories to capture (something like our Domination Europa). Registration for clans started alreaday, as far as I know. If you plan our clan - I'm in definitely.
It's not "point&click". More than this is your tactics and cooperation with teammates, which brings you victory.
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