Worst scouts ever!

That ain't gonna happen any time soon.
Only going by what I've read in the past from posts by Battlefront from time to time, but I wouldn't rule out further improvements with future upgrades. I think the next big performance gain would be the day they upgrade the engine for multi-core processing/64bit system crowd, but no idea of the amount of work involved. I'm guessing a huge amount. I remember when they upgraded the engine to allow up to 4gb of RAM to be used was the last time I got a noticeable performance increase.

If you're talking about full ground up work allowing graphics to look as good as today's AAA titles and a new interface, yeah long long wait. But I'm happy with the CMx2 engine as it is for now and would want further improvements to what's already available rather than them going backwards 'to go forward' and starting again from scratch. When they do this it would also mean a likely return to Normandy... again. :(
I agree @Ithikial

I think the graphics are ok as is, I wouldn't mind better spotting and tac ai though. I'm all about having a finer degree of control as well, be it movement commands or size of action squares.

But I'm sure they're chugging along anyway, making little improvements as they go. If there's one thing Steve has made clear it's that they never stop working on the game.
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