WW2 Armour





Last tank is A-1 tank. Yugoslav "i wanna be tank" project. Very bad vehicle based on T34. Made after WW2, when Tito didn't like Russian politics very much :)...few years later, Yugoslavia and Russia were friends again and T-55 was imported...
A t-44 mebbe?

Edit: Ah i see zaraza corrected me before i had chance to post the wrong answer :)
T-44 has same kind of a turret as T-34/85(little smaller but the shape is same) and it doesn't have a hull mg.
Panzer III Discovered at Bardufoss airfield in Northern Norway.

In 2006 three Pz III's were discoverred encased in concrete. They had been placed after the war as static defences by the Norwegian military as protection to the airfield. The PzIII's have since been removed and are undergoing restoration work in Germany.

Check the concrete encased hull built into the defensive wall. Access was gained through a hole cut in the hull on the other side.




Interior - Gun Breech


Interior - Commanders Hatch


Interior - Front

The things you find in a Russian bog :) It looks nearly brand new.
Not anymore - that thing's been rusting merrily away parked on the outside for years now. And: yes, it was the best-preserved German AFV ever to be found. But because some guys wanted too much money (1,000,000 in fact) it will keep on rusting until it either gets scrapped or it looks like the Aberdeen exhibition...

State in summer 2007 (meaning: now it's a lot worse!):
Did you notice the winterketten (winter tracks)? It seems that they have tried to cross a snow covered swamp and did sink.
Just surface rust, she'll be fine. As long as the inside isn't a swimming pool, there shouldn't be a major problem :pray: The winter tracks still look fine . . .
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