AAR - CMRT Corsaire31 vs Strachwitz

Turn 07 :

A 20mm AA vehicle is spotted in the middle of the map. I don't have airplanes, but this type of vehicle is usually bad news for infantry... :)


On the right flank, the wheatfield seems sheltered for now so the rest of the first SMG Plt follows its first squad. They will progress with slow movements and stops to rest. On the other side, the german infantry has reached the western road objective.
I also have confirmation that the third german Plt is moving to the village.

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Interesting read indeed. And full of surprises to me. Especially spotting. Although I have no time to post a real AAR these days I will provide some screenshots from my perspective. I guess there could be learned something about spotting and FOW.

The movement on your left flank for example. I was just able to spot one single Russian soldiers there crossing the open field. I never thought there were so much soldiers crossing.
Also that my Hetzer was spotted so fast was surprising. It was the first time I used that TD and hoped due to its small size and my slow movement in the woods it would be concealed enough. Lesson learned.

Regarding the long artillery arrival time. Yes, Russian artillery takes longer than their German counterpart to arrive. But 9 minutes for an organic 82mm mortar really is very long. Maybe you could check, but my guess is that at least one side (FO or Mortar Battery) is of green experience. Maybe even both. Setting mortars and FO to at least regular or veteran and maybe a command bonus should help there. It reduces plotting time of the mission significantly.
Interesting read indeed. And full of surprises to me. Especially spotting. Although I have no time to post a real AAR these days I will provide some screenshots from my perspective. I guess there could be learned something about spotting and FOW.

The movement on your left flank for example. I was just able to spot one single Russian soldiers there crossing the open field. I never thought there were so much soldiers crossing.
Also that my Hetzer was spotted so fast was surprising. It was the first time I used that TD and hoped due to its small size and my slow movement in the woods it would be concealed enough. Lesson learned.

Regarding the long artillery arrival time. Yes, Russian artillery takes longer than their German counterpart to arrive. But 9 minutes for an organic 82mm mortar really is very long. Maybe you could check, but my guess is that at least one side (FO or Mortar Battery) is of green experience. Maybe even both. Setting mortars and FO to at least regular or veteran and maybe a command bonus should help there. It reduces plotting time of the mission significantly.

Nice advice. Artillery is very technical and the more experienced you the faster you will be able to fire, even in real life :D
You're right, I forgot about this Veteran observers stuff, it was also in CMx1 ( as said before it was for me an experimental game so I picked up all my troops as "Typical" ). In fact the smoke screen on the right was requested by the SMG Company HQ. I was keeping the forward observers in the middle of the map to direct the mortar fire in that part of the map as we will see later.
(But in my other game the 4 mn delay also comes from a german PzGr Company HQ request.)
Turn 08 :

A german scout team on the edge of the high ground left of the village gets a warm welcome from an 85 mm HE shell of my T34.


As I know now there will be no german third Plt coming in my left flank, I will leave only one squad in the woods as "radar picket" just in case I miscalculated and bring the rest of Plt back to the west road. From there I must find a way for the recon troops to assault the middle high ground left of the village.

While I will think about how to do it, I need to manage the SMG Co crossing on my right flank once the smoke screen will be there. With only one mortar battery it will be some 20 rounds (incl. spotting) so it better be on target so I can have a couple of minutes of smoke screening.

The first spotting round falls in the village, a hell of a long way from the target, I hope they can do better...

Turn 11 :

The last spotting rounds are close to the expected target zone, and I start preparing for the crossing. The first SMG Plt has reached the middle of the wheat field.


On the left flank, my reco Plt (less the picket squad) is on its way back to the east road.

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As promised here the German overall situation on the same turn:

Interesting ! My guesses were about right... I'm surprised you have no contact from my SMG Company in the woods by the church... What is this HQ alone in the woods on the right ? At that time I had not yet spotted the 2nd 20mm AA or the JgdPz IV.
I was pretty sure you had spotted my reco squad going back and forth near the eastern road !
The HQ unit was a more or less redundant HQ I don`t needed elsewhere and they were bascially acting as OP/LP on my right flank to spot infantry trying to push through the woods there.

About the your SMG Comp in the woods near the church. My infantry units on my left flank were not yet able to have a look at this path of woods. They were moving into positions very cautiously and slow and are not in place to have LOS. And there was a crest right before my end of the woods somewhat obscuring my view over the crest.
Ok looks like we had the same "radar pickets" on this side of the map... :)
Just a quick note to say thanks for posting this AAR, Corsaire, and for your commentary and additions as well, Strachwitz. Very entertaining, and very informative to boot. Looking forward to more posts.
I still think that in a frontal meeting between a Pz VI Tiger and a T34-85 at a range around 500 - 700 m the Tiger will win at least 75% of the time, because the 88 is more powerful (even if the T34 has the advantage of sloped armour), because of better optics and because of the crew's reaction time that CM uses. Anyway I personally would never try it in a serious game as it depends too much on a lucky shot...

A wise observation, I have done some work on the armour v gun statistics, using the raw data from the Bergmann mod and looking at it in a simple graphic form, I think most allied commanders would still be surprised at the size of the advantage the axis tanks have over the allied ones. i think many people realise their is an edge, but just like Floki's comment - they just hope something out of the ordinary happens - often a sad day for the pixeltruppen...
A wise observation, I have done some work on the armour v gun statistics, using the raw data from the Bergmann mod and looking at it in a simple graphic form, I think most allied commanders would still be surprised at the size of the advantage the axis tanks have over the allied ones. i think many people realise their is an edge, but just like Floki's comment - they just hope something out of the ordinary happens - often a sad day for the pixeltruppen...

Sorry to go OT, but does this data exist in a form readily consumable? I'm relatively new to the game and very interested in better understanding some of the numbers behind what I am seeing in game.
@Old Velcro Hmn. Its been kind of an on off project - I started out doing it just for my own interest, and as Strachwitz says, arguably the best resource is to download the mod which has all the data...

I may have a pdf version of it - pm me if you are interested and I will dig it out and send it. It is just a work in progress, and far from incomplete -

And yes apologies to @Corsaire31 and @Strachwitz - its a great AAR please keep the turns coming...
As the first smoke rounds come on target ( well done, mortars ! ) I start sending everyone out of the woods, knowing I will have more or less two minutes of smoke.


I must say that although I've done it many times in CMBB, I'm a bit nervous with all these guys in the almost open land...

A wise observation, I have done some work on the armour v gun statistics, using the raw data from the Bergmann mod and looking at it in a simple graphic form, I think most allied commanders would still be surprised at the size of the advantage the axis tanks have over the allied ones. i think many people realise their is an edge, but just like Floki's comment - they just hope something out of the ordinary happens - often a sad day for the pixeltruppen...
That's true for sure. Just in very desperate situations I would take on a Tiger with a T-34/85 in a 1:1 situation. Preferably with 2 tanks from different positions. Or create somewhat creative situations forcing the Tiger to do something stupid. Like I did in our game with the King Tiger in Myth of Invincibility @Richtig.
As the first smoke rounds come on target ( well done, mortars ! ) I start sending everyone out of the woods, knowing I will have more or less two minutes of smoke.


I must say that although I've done it many times in CMBB, I'm a bit nervous with all these guys in the almost open land...

I NEVER estimated so much troops crossing there.
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