First incident happens I hadn't thought about : @Strachwitz gets curious and wants to know what's behind the smoke. He sends to their fate a scout team. Some shooting takes place with my squad which is getting to the woods. As my guys had short firing arcs to stay quiet during the crossing they loose the initiative and 3 men are injured before they return fire.
On the left flank, my recon squad is back to the eastern road houses. Studying the map more closely, I found a depression in front on the middle high ground where I can hide before assaulting. I have started to transfer the squads one by one. It takes some time as they need to hug the ground a while to make sure the Tiger doesn't see them. I also brought from the back in the wheatfield the AT rifle which is covering the road. I have the 20mm AA in sight, but you never know...

On the left flank, my recon squad is back to the eastern road houses. Studying the map more closely, I found a depression in front on the middle high ground where I can hide before assaulting. I have started to transfer the squads one by one. It takes some time as they need to hug the ground a while to make sure the Tiger doesn't see them. I also brought from the back in the wheatfield the AT rifle which is covering the road. I have the 20mm AA in sight, but you never know...