American Miscellaneous

That was thoughtful of Tracy to go there.
I'll bet those men will never forget that day.


USS Corvina (SS-226) crewmen in moment to coffee break in torpedo room at New London submarine base, Aug 1943
On Nov 16, 1943, USS Corvina was sunk by Japanese submarine I-176 south of Truk Lagoon. No survivors. Corvina was the only American submarine to have been sunk by a Japanese submarine in the entire war.
The legendary Tony Bennett died July 21, at age 96. Really named Anthony Dominick Benedetto (born Aug 3, 1926), was drafted into the US Army in Nov 1944. As a replacement infantryman, he served across France and into Germany, and in March 1945, he joined the front line.
RIP Tony.
I take the ferry from Long Island to New London on my way up to my brothers in Rhode Island.
Across from New London on the Thames River General Dynamic still has a sub factory where sometimes you can see subs being assembled or in dry dock.
A little further up river in Groton is the U.S. Naval submarine base that has an excellent museum and where among other exhibits you can tour the USS Nautilus.

“In July of 1951, Congress authorized construction of the world’s first nuclear powered submarine. On December 12th of that year, the Navy Department announced that she would be the sixth ship of the fleet to bear the name NAUTILUS. Her keel was laid by President Harry S. Truman at the Electric Boat Shipyard in Groton, Connecticut on June 14, 1952.”


Looking around I found a site with the above picture and the caption:

"TARGETS FOR DIVE BOMBERS, 1/5/41 ST. LOUIS, MO. – Armored gasoline powered target boats tied up in St. Louis, enroute from Great Lakes Training Station to join naval units in Gulf of Mexico. Black stripe down center of boats are bulls eyes for dive bombers which use the boats as live targets during practice. Although planes use Non penetrating bombs operators of targets have feeling of mouse waiting for cat to pounce. Credit: OWI Radiophoto from ACME;"

It's a site from of all places The Little Rock (Arkansas) Parks and Recreation site.

There are quite a few of unique pictures of “Louis Posting Quality" there. ;)

Check it out:

US Army OPFOR German unit, Fort Knox, 1943
OPFOR (Opposing force), a military unit tasked with representing an enemy for training purposes.

Haha, they even used Hitler's father's name on their sign.
Interesting this...
"Armored gasoline powered target boats for dive bombers, 1941".
How would you like that duty?
They look sort of similar to the Ukrainian "sea baby" drone boats.
Red Cross women inside the bus prepare the doughnuts and coffee that offered a touch of home.

The American Red Cross Clubmobile Service was a mobile service club created during WW2 staffed by American Red Cross volunteers, often referred to as "Clubmobile girls" or "Donut Dollies," who provided servicemen with food, entertainment, and a connection to home.
Shocking to think that that could be the target of a drone or HIMARS type weapon strike today.
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