ArmA 3 FGM standardized modlist discussion

Proposed modern mod list>

3CB BAF Equipment
3CB BAF Equipment (ACRE compatibility)
3CB BAF Units
3CB BAF Units (ACE compatibility)
3CB BAF Units (RHS compatibility)
3CB BAF Vehicles
3CB BAF Vehicles (RHS reskins)
3CB BAF Vehicles (Servicing extension)
3CB BAF Weapons
3CB BAF Weapons (RHS ammo compatibility)
3CB Factions
3den Enhanced
ACE Compat - RHS Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
ACE Compat - RHS United States Armed Forces
ACE Compat - RHS: GREF
ACE Compat - RHS: SAF
ACE Extension - Attachment Switching
Advanced (Urban) Rappelling ACE Compat
Advanced Urban Rappelling
Aliabad Region
CUP Terrains - Core
CUP Terrains - Maps
DUI - Squad Radar
Enhanced Movement
Enhanced Movement Rework
Hazar-Kot Valley
Isla Abramia
Isla Duala
Kunduz, Afghanistan
RKSL Studios - Attachments v3.02
Rosche, Germany
Task Force Timberwolf Female Characters
ZEPHIK Female Units V2
Zeus Enhanced
Zeus Enhanced - ACE3 Compatibility
Small note - my group is switching to ACRE 2. I find it easier to use, ACE interactions help a lot, and as a crewman, you can call infantry on a telephone!
Something tells me you just copy pasted this :LOL:

IMO it's worth keeping project opfor.

Two mods i have been looking at: CUP Terrains 2.0 for Chernarus 2020 and RHSAFRF winter textures (only 100mb) for a short series of winter scenarios i would like to make.
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Does editing ACRE2 in missions actually work unlike TFAR?
(Say i want to set up custom programmed presets? By looking at the documentation it looks much better than TFAR in that regard. TFAR scripting is so broken that you can't even set a default freq.)
We should probably come to an agreement on the topic of modern mods, so we can get to making missions using the new pack.

I like the modlist proposed by @Aurelius.
Might aswell add LAMBS RPG RHS to complete the compat mods. Having reviewed the factions i don't think project opfor is needed.

@DoubleD @Vartuoosi @Concord @Gnarly @Aurelius @holoween @Nathangun
Are there any concerns on the modlist, it does have quite a few Terrain mods which means bigger file size but greater possibilities for the mission makers. This modlist means that TFAR, CUP Units, CUP Vehicles and CUP Weapons can be deleted (unless @Vartuoosi wants to run his already made missions first).
For discussion after we have agreed on a modern modlist.
For a WW2 mod list i put out this suggestion:

I feel like this modlist gives the most bang for the filesize.

(If we end up agreeing not to use Northern Fronts, i can write an addon that adds unit presets for 1941-1942 for USSR and Germany using IFA3 gear. I like Northern fronts but it is quite a big mod filesize wise.)
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Both Achilles and Zeus Enhanced are on the list. Aren't they going to conflict?
And what does ACEX even do? The ACE wiki page on it is barren.
No opinion on ACRE. I don't think I've ever used it on Arma 3.
I am for NF mods and against CSA
And I really want both NF and CSA.
And what does ACEX even do? The ACE wiki page on it is barren.
Mostly used for the headless client offloading of AI but the other features are useful. There are scripts and other mods to accomplish this as well. Some use ACEX solely for the ability to sit in chairs during briefings.
The headless client allows you to dedicate other CPU cores or other machines to offload the AI on to, so that you free up the main worker thread of the server. The list is from @Aurelius's unit so I'm not sure if they use it for the HC or for the sitting in chairs. One of the main advantage of ACEX implementation of the HC is that it's automatic.

When i run dedicated servers for friends i usually run 4 of my CPU threads for the game, another 4 for the server and the last 4 for a HC to handle the AI if the given scenario allows it.

I am on the fence on CSA. The only things i want from that mod is the Panzer I, II, III and early IV. But there is always the question if it's worth enabling a whole mod just for that. Most other assets you can more or less proxy with IFA3.

Both Achilles and Zeus Enhanced are on the list. Aren't they going to conflict?
Good question, i am not sure as it comes down to the load order. Zeus enhanced is a continuation of Achilles so there is a good chance it just overwrites it. But from my perspective it is indeed pointless to have both enabled.
We've had those mods from the start and they never collided. No issues.

As far as CSA, it brings vehicles which are bugged, weapons without animations, some sights work, some don't. Given that only six people are playing, and that CSA is about tanks, I see no future for it.
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So here is the modern times list>

And ww2 one (still not decided)>
Just a quick PSA:
You used to be able to import a mod list with this option but now it only subscribes you too the mods and does not activate them.

Now you have to do it from this dropdown:
OK, here's the new modlists and list of mods not in use anymore.

Presets for the new standard modlists:
Modern: 3 Preset FGM Modern.html?dl=0
WW2: 3 Preset FGM WW2.html?dl=0

Mods we have used in the past and won't be using anymore and can be deleted:
CUP Units
CUP Weapons
CUP Vehicles
Community Factions Project (CFP)
Opération FrenchPoint
Cold War Rearmed 3
RnT Trenches - Standalone

Fallujah V1.2

CSA38 ACE Compatibility
CSA38-IFA3 weapons compatibility
CUP ACE3 Compatibility Addon - Vehicles
CUP ACE3 Compatibility Addon - Weapons
MRB Voice Stop

Edit: added maps and misc stuff.
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S.O.G: Prerie fire modlist suggestion:

Base mods:
ACE - SOG compat
LAMBS - Suppression
LAMBS - RPG (Not sure if this one will work, but since launchers in SOG inherit the vanilla base class they might)
LAMBS - Danger
LAMBS - Turrets
Enhanced Movement
Enhanced Movement - Rework
ACRE2- SOG compat
Zeus enhanced
Zeus enhanced - ACE compat
3den enhanced
DUI - Squad radar

Freestyles Crash Landing (so that we can get shot down and survive)
ALiVE - Prerie Fire compositions
Immersion Cigs (hey, we are in nam after all)

Case for alive:
Makes it incredible easy to set up vietcong and civilian life, especially for outside the wire operations. While itself not being performance heavy if set up correctly. Also allows for supports assets such as transport to be easily available.

Everything asset wise is mostly covered by the DLC itself. Freestyles crash landing and immersion sigs are not really needed, but they add almost no file size.
Unsung has a small modpack made to work with SOG, but i'm not really sure it is actually needed.

~90% of the 1gb size comes from:
ACE: 180mb
ACRE2: 378mb
ALiVE 412mb

EDIT: Added two missing compats (ACRE2 and Zeus enhanced) and DUI.
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@Bootie @Bulletpoint
Any of you interested in a lightly modded Vietnam missions? Not really vanilla as it uses ace for realism and acre2 for radio, but it's only 1gb.

Do you have anything you would like to add?
@Bootie @Bulletpoint
Any of you interested in a lightly modded Vietnam missions? Not really vanilla as it uses ace for realism and acre2 for radio, but it's only 1gb.

Do you have anything you would like to add?
No thanks.. I'll try to stick with hell let loose these days if I have some time for this kind of game.
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