ArmA 3 FGM standardized modlist discussion

I was gonna consider the Unsung Redux mod, but even though steam says its 800 mb its actually 9gb.
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Some mods it could be worth taking a look at and potentially incorporating in our modern (and maybe partly in the ww2) list. As far as i can tell, quite a few groups use these. All of these are script mods and therefor have a small filesize.

Drongos Air Operations
Drongos Artillery
Drongos AI Fire Support
Dynamic AI Minefields - RCO (This one seems universally handy as the mission creator migth not know where the minefields are, required the use of a module to activate)
Simplex Support Services (This one seems very handy, for both supplies and transport. Works somewhat similar to the support system in alive.)
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The point i have made about some SOG missions (including the built in coop campaign) not working well with ace medical is due to a mission module included in SOG that most non ace coop missions use for revive. With ace medical you will go into a sort of double bleed out state where you can't really be revived with either SOG or ACE. It can be avoided by editing the mission to remove the module, or running ace without ace medical. (Or just make our own missions)
The Global Mobilization dlc is on 50% sale. We are playing around with the idea of adding it to the modern modlist.
If you don't wish to buy it you can use the compatibility Data for Non-Owners mod as long as we don't use the maps.

Edit: Or potentially an additional modlist (with no new mods beside GM)
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We are already in the process of changing around the modlist a bit i believe @Aurelius?

@Vartuoosi @Concord @Gnarly @DoubleD @holoween
Do any of you have an issue with appending Global Mobilization to our modern modlist (or adding it to a new modlist)
It adds Denmark (80's, 90's), West Germany (80's. 90's) + East Germany, Poland, all with winter skins available. The DLC (but not the compat mod) adds a good map.
The size of the DLC/Mod is significant (30gb/20gb) which is larger than SOG prairie fire, even though i don't understand why. But it would mostly complete the cold war setting and does not necessarily require DLC ownership.

A long with GM i would also like these:
ACE Compat - GM (Required)
ACRE2 Global Mobilization Compat (Required for the map)
LEN - Cold War Aircraft (RHS aircraft reskins)
Global Mobilization Extra - Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star (Official Reskin)
Global Mobilization Extra - Altis Armed Forces (Official Reskin)
Global Mobilization Extra - Takistan Armed Forces (Official Reskin)
The filesize of these extras are about 300mb in total.
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@Redbully go for it, I won't be getting GM, but ill just bypass those missions.
It is only required for the map, all other content should work like the vanilla arma DLC. (So you can participate in a mission containing the DLC assets)
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