Australia is going into it's standard election in just under two weeks. That means...
A real-time crowd-sourced map of sausage and cake availability at Australian elections. It's practically part of the Australian Constitution. Or something. #demsausage
People overseas - "Democracy Sausage" is an Australian tradition at each general election where you pick up sausage sizzle* on the way out of voting. (Or on the way in if you have to wait in a queue for a while. Over the years it's expanded to include cake stalls and other foody goodness to pick from. Given most polling places are local schools, usually it's done by the local community with money going towards their local libraries or the kids sporting team. There's even a dedicated national website to track who is selling what so you can plan your voting day around food options if you want. Voting in compulsory in Australia, so good to plan ahead.
Aussies - The usual website is being updated as info steadily comes in on who is doing what.
* A sausage sizzle in most of Australia:
But in Western Australia it's:
(It better be in a proper roll and not sliced bread on the west coast or all you'll get is some grumpy sandgropers
