Sigmund the Savage has had a good career of late, even got fitted with some very spiffy suit of armor taken off a Hedge Knight ... and his combat record is pretty impressive too. 

Holy crap!
View attachment 14720View attachment 14721
Ahem. Um, yes. I have conferred with my men, and after much discussion, we have decided, that, yes, you may join our mercenary group. Welcome aboard.
Holy crap, those guys have amassed a incredible amount of kills.
Damn it @Rico you're making it incredibly difficult to stick to my resolution of NOT buying any (non CM related) games this year!!!!
Oh wow, those are some tough veterans, although it's quite weird that you haven't equipped you guys with named items, do you sell them? I bought this game at the beta state I think, and play it from time to time. Gotta say, it's good fun!