Have you encountered and undead Priest yet? I did, yesterday. He had all sorts of fun tricks. Retreat, reload.
Nope, not yet ... something to look forward to ...

Have you encountered and undead Priest yet? I did, yesterday. He had all sorts of fun tricks. Retreat, reload.
I'm very glad they went with a more gritty, less cartoonish art. I'm not sure I would even be interested in playing the game had they kept the style of that concept art.
ARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH You are NOT helping my sanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (or bank balance, or work ethic.....Just buy it, well worth it mate.
**Peer pressure intensifies**
Early Battle Brothers concept art...
I agree -- even prefer the torso only figures once you get used to them ... works well with limited animation.
Good use of limited resources by the developers
I like that art work.
The torso figures remind me of chees pieces, which in turn I find comforting as I play chess from time to time.
@Rico Yep, you were right. Old Volker done decided he had enough! If it don't smell like a mortuary, Volker ain't having none of it!
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Well, hehe, old Meat Grinder was ready to step right in and claim ol' Volker's big ass sword and his helm. There's a new sherrif in town boys, and he might be missing a finger and a toe or two, but you're gonna be missing your head if you mess with him! ;-)
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