The Wascally Wabbit is grateful . . .

I look much better in your band than I did in mine.!
Interesting to watch and see the different tactics. What settings this played on?
Learned something -- was under impression you could only deploy one Wardog per battle.
Tricky situation -- battle like this, the key is to take out the necromancer asap with archers closing range (necromancers can revive the dead as zombies -- even your own casualaties, which can get very nasty)
With the snow (and if it was swamp or forest) difficult to move fast enough to close range.
I sometimes experimented with a flanking "flying column" -- four guys, two guys in front as shields and one or two archers protected behind to snipe at the necromancer.
I tend to keep a minimum of 3 archers in a battle, one crossbow, two bowmen... with pole arms as secondary weapons just in case (and quick hands skill for fast weapon change over)
Crossbow to take out dangerous enemy front liners -- bowmen to take ours enemy archers as pronto as possible.
Flails are good when your guys had good melee skills -- if opponent has no helmet, I go for headshot usually.
Weapons that can decapitate are most useful against the wiedergangers (zombies) -- don't come back from that.
Bashing weapons not that effective against the undead.
An odd little game, but I can see how it might become addictive. Thanks for showing this. Good hunting!
Been struggling lately with my merc company. As for now the only "greater evils" I have encountered are noble house wars, all around day 50-70. By that time I'm really not prepared at all as far as armor and good background brothers go, and I really suffer the consecuences of those weaknesses. Any tips?