Battle Brothers -- bloody addictive game

The Schrats (treants) are tough. They have massive hitpoints and when you hit them for enough damage, they spawn a Sapling (mini ent). Their Uproot attack hits two tiles in a straight line and causes a lot of damage and a significant chance of a serious injury.

I also saw another new enemy on the map. I believe it was called Hexen. I have yet to engage them in combat.
I also saw a new weapon in the Weaponsmith shop: a two handed flail. Or at least I think it's new to the DLC. I don't remember seeing them before. If I can afford to upgrade Bootie's armor to a Coat of Plates, I may switch him to the two handed flail. Unfortunately, like Bucky the Katt, I failed to give him the Quick Hands perk....
My company faced a new enemy today.....the Unholds (giants)! Only took me two battles to score a win. The first one didn't go well. They play havoc with your troop formations by charging and knocking your men backwards (like Orc Warriors do). In addition, they can grab your men and toss them around like rag dolls. They have massive hitpoints and I think they may regenerate.

Bwaa-ha-ha! Let me at 'em. Lemme at 'em!! :2charge:

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