Battle Brothers -- bloody addictive game

Yea, Steam has sales often, which lead to deep discounts on many games, especially after they have been out for a couple of years. I have many games in my Steam library that I haven't even played yet, because of those darn sales! :)
@Meat Grinder Did you happen to mention to HH how bloody hard this game is, even on <dimwit> difficulty level? :rolleyes:

Don't think I did. @Hedgehog , this is not an easy game. I'm playing on veteran level (medium difficulty) and I lose more battles than I win. My solution to that is to save often and reload when things go too far south. :) Not only is the tactical AI quite competent, there is resource management, including food (which goes bad after a few days), weapons and armor (which take damage and have to be repaired...for a price of course), the morale of your men, wounds (including permanent injuries), ammunition, etc, etc. If anyone manages to successfully play this game on veteran difficulty without "save scumming", my hat's off to them.

Oh, and there is never enough coin. Never, ever.
So, after observing the combat effectiveness of old WillS wading in with his two handed hammer, I decided it was time for another man in my company to toss aside his shield and one handed weapon. In order for this not to be an immediate disaster, today, Bucky the Katt received an armor upgrade, at the cost of (sigh) close to 8000 crowns.

OpenGL Developer Profile Screenshot 2018.11.21 - Developer Profile Screenshot 2018.11.21 - Developer Profile Screenshot 2018.11.21 - Developer Profile Screenshot 2018.11.21 - Developer Profile Screenshot 2018.11.21 -
Crowns well spent, m'lord . . . :2charge:

Don't think I did. @Hedgehog , this is not an easy game. I'm playing on veteran level (medium difficulty) and I lose more battles than I win. My solution to that is to save often and reload when things go too far south. :) Not only is the tactical AI quite competent, there is resource management, including food (which goes bad after a few days), weapons and armor (which take damage and have to be repaired...for a price of course), the morale of your men, wounds (including permanent injuries), ammunition, etc, etc. If anyone manages to successfully play this game on veteran difficulty without "save scumming", my hat's off to them.

Oh, and there is never enough coin. Never, ever.
Thanks for the heads up on the game...… I got to admit these days I don't want complication in my life...… No you aren't putting me of, grateful for the heads up mate
So, after observing the combat effectiveness of old WillS wading in with his two handed hammer, I decided it was time for another man in my company to toss aside his shield and one handed weapon. In order for this not to be an immediate disaster, today, Bucky the Katt received an armor upgrade, at the cost of (sigh) close to 8000 crowns.

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That's some impressive kit -- I always give the two handers a back up shield and a close up melee weapon as well just in case things go pear shaped. (And quick hands skill for good measure)
So here is today's adventure. Gens Antiquus accepted a contract to defend a town against brigands. The brigands turned out to be undead. :unsure:

We spotted a large force (actually, judging by the "skeleton" tracks in the forest....two forces) of undead heading toward the town we have been contracted to defend. Fortunately, we also spotted some noble house troops heading toward the town, so we, heh heh, "maneuvered" in such a way so that the undead force would have to face both the Gens Antiquus and the noble house forces simultaneously. This is a legitimate tactic involving "map awareness" that you need to learn to take advantage of if you want to succeed in this game.

OpenGL Developer Profile Screenshot 2018.11.27 - Developer Profile Screenshot 2018.11.27 -

Not sure if I have ever featured "Geists" before. From what I have gathered via my own experiences, they are difficult to hit, but have very low hitpoints. One hit "kills" them. Their biggest power is their "moan" (or whatever it is called, in game). It saps morale. "Kill" them as quickly as you can, lest all your men flee in fear.
Not sure if I have ever featured "Geists" before. From what I have gathered via my own experiences, they are difficult to hit, but have very low hitpoints. One hit "kills" them. Their biggest power is their "moan" (or whatever it is called, in game). It saps morale. "Kill" them as quickly as you can, lest all your men flee in fear.

The Geists (German for ghost or spirit) -- are a real pain in the ass if you don't have back row guys with the "rally the troops" skills to repair morale ...if it's a longer battle, you can end up with half your troop having the "runs"!
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