Battle Brothers -- bloody addictive game

You are playing in hard core mode if you aren't saving often (even though you picked "easy" difficulty).

I let some deaths go in my early game, but I've leveled and geared my men up so much now that any death is unacceptable and requires a reload.
*Cries in ironman*
It is a damn hard game. Maybe I stick with 6 hardcore guys and just armor and weapon up.

Hmm, I'm not sure if the game will give you easier encounters if you have fewer than 12 men. You might be making it much harder on yourself by using fewer men. I no longer keep any men in reserve, because, as I said, any death means I reload. I use 7 front line "tanks" , 3 men in the second rank with weapons that can reach 2 hexes, and 2 archers (one bow and one crossbow).
Hmm, I'm not sure if the game will give you easier encounters if you have fewer than 12 men. You might be making it much harder on yourself by using fewer men. I no longer keep any men in reserve, because, as I said, any death means I reload. I use 7 front line "tanks" , 3 men in the second rank with weapons that can reach 2 hexes, and 2 archers (one bow and one crossbow).
Yeah, I had one archer, one crossbow, two swords men, an ax man, a flail guy, a pitchfork guy and five spear and shield guys. Only my ax man had mail and a helmet, fork guy had a helm and decent padded leather, everyone else hood and padded. Flail guy had buckler, sword and spearman had shields.

I think I need to do a better job assessing skills and assigning weapons for the appropriate skills. I also need to learn more about what some of the stuff I pick up , like spider poison, is good for.
I've been getting back to this game again and trying my hand at playing it in Iron mode -- does change your outlook on things.

First band was doing pretty well ... all chain-mailed up and average at level 6 to 7, good crossbows and bows and pikes... then got jumped and surrounded by 14 goblin wolfriders with some quite extreme skills ... got surrounded and wiped out to the last man.

Current bunch I've now had to nurse back from being reduced from 12 guys down to 6 or 7 wounded survivors three times now ... twice got trapped against a slop and no getting away and had to fight it out... and once got a bit cocky against a large band of bandit thugs and raider were three guys came at me with daggers and not much else -- 3 guys down dead within seconds -- and f****** Robin Hood with a crossbow that took out my best archer and two more guys... brutal.

Pick your fights well.
Yeah, I had one archer, one crossbow, two swords men, an ax man, a flail guy, a pitchfork guy and five spear and shield guys. Only my ax man had mail and a helmet, fork guy had a helm and decent padded leather, everyone else hood and padded. Flail guy had buckler, sword and spearman had shields.

I think I need to do a better job assessing skills and assigning weapons for the appropriate skills. I also need to learn more about what some of the stuff I pick up , like spider poison, is good for.

In beginning try and get a front row of shield and spear men going with support archers and pikes or similar stuff behind... spear or shield wall is your friend.
I've been getting back to this game again and trying my hand at playing it in Iron mode -- does change your outlook on things.

First band was doing pretty well ... all chain-mailed up and average at level 6 to 7, good crossbows and bows and pikes... then got jumped and surrounded by 14 goblin wolfriders with some quite extreme skills ... got surrounded and wiped out to the last man.

Current bunch I've now had to nurse back from being reduced from 12 guys down to 6 or 7 wounded survivors three times now ... twice got trapped against a slop and no getting away and had to fight it out... and once got a bit cocky against a large band of bandit thugs and raider were three guys came at me with daggers and not much else -- 3 guys down dead within seconds -- and f****** Robin Hood with a crossbow that took out my best archer and two more guys... brutal.

Pick your fights well.

Just checked ... 114 days into the campaign and I've lost 42 men ... my whole front row is well-equipped level 1 and 2 rookies... ouch.
My longest-surviving veteran member of the Orc Gutters is this guy, Eniced the Eunuch ... originally hired because he was cheap and we desperately needed men (loosely speaking) to fill the spearwall in the early days (and the snapped carrot icon for eunuchs just cracks me up) , he survived and eventually became the group's standard bearer with an excellent battle record. He eventually lost an eye to a goblin arrow and has to be swopped out for night engagements as he can't see shit once the sun goes down. (and he has a bit of a drinking problem ... but probably understandable in his chosen profession) The battle standard is also a polearm/pike and quite deadly in the right hands. He also carries a noble sword and a kite shield for when the rain of arrows or bolts gets to thick!

Nice! Glad I made it into the mix. Yeah, that is funny as shit with the snapped veggie. I just picked this up last night.
Took a hiatus over the weekend, started back up last night. Glanced thri the wiki, think I am going to read some more tonight before progressing on. Did manage to fulfill a couple of contracts, even taking out a random group of barbarians on the way to a site where I had to reclaim an artifact. This game is challenging, but I expect the wiki is going to really fill in a lot of things for me.
Ok. Figured I would start with the scenarios for the hell of it. I beat the first two but the third is a bitch! Your in swamp, with lots of undead and a necromancer. I tried to stick together, split up, archer heavy, melee heavy, mixed, and for the love of God I cannot get anywhere near the necromancer to kill him. I am guessing that is key as he keeps reanimating the dead every time I slay them.
Alright! Finally beat this one tonight. Tough going but once I figured out the strat it was pretty simple.
I set up my tank between two trees so he could only get attacked head on. Everyone else filled the sides at the edge of the swamp. My men were on good terrain forcing the enemy to attack from the swamp. I used spears on the outer rim with the "spear wall" defense. My mid two guys used Billhook's to attack from two spaces away. Lastly two archers lobbing arrows at any approaching enemies. I did lose one man and had two other gravely wounded but everyone else was fine. The spear wall did a good amount of damage over and over as enemies tried to approach. Later in the battle we ran out of endurance and had to resort to normal attacks. I held this ground and slayed all enemies including the ones resurrected by the necromancer. Eventually I guess he ran out of endurance to cast that spell and I was able to advance towards him. One swipe with a Billhook from two spaces away lopped off his head. I had a hell of a time before this for around 8-10 tries getting whooped every time. Right strat at the right time or else your dead in this game.
Pulled off a couple of more contracts. Had one where the thugs had a necromancer that kept re-animating the dead thugs. Finally got a swordsman over there and got him attacked, then laid the sword "magic" on his ass, then polished off the last remaining pitchfork thug with my axman. Went ahead and escorted a caravan on a milk run. Heading south, brigand country.
Yeah, well I had to contest the high ground and work my way around a hill to get to him. My crossbowman did yeoman service against the thugs on the heights.
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