Battle Brothers -- bloody addictive game

When facing necromancers -- sometimes works to send archers (if you have reasonably good ones) on flank runs with a guy giving anti-zombie cover to nail his ass necromancing at long range. Saves a lot of grief and time (if it works)
I tried that on the scenario and the freaking AI kept him moving out of distance of my attacks. Not sure if this was a fluke or the AI is programmed that well.
My observation was that I was able to get a swordsman around to engage him because he was pre-occupied with casting the reanimating spells. Fortunately I had my troops hold of the zombies until I started a physical attack on the necromancer. At that point he tried to defend himself with a dagger. The zombies and remaining thugs were mopped up while two additional troopers got around to the necromamcer. It fidn’t matter as the swordsman finished him off.

I have a solid core of ten, still need a bowman and another spearman. Need better armor.
My observation was that I was able to get a swordsman around to engage him because he was pre-occupied with casting the reanimating spells. Fortunately I had my troops hold of the zombies until I started a physical attack on the necromancer. At that point he tried to defend himself with a dagger. The zombies and remaining thugs were mopped up while two additional troopers got around to the necromamcer. It fidn’t matter as the swordsman finished him off.

I have a solid core of ten, still need a bowman and another spearman. Need better armor.

Daggers are very good in killing enemies without destroying their armour... and increasing chance of capturing it as loot.
Interesting -- most times the necromancer stays still and takes the hits.
yeah. I divided up into three parties. One North, one up the middle and one South. That strat really did not work but I did manage to get at least one guy up North and one down South free to pursue him. When I started moving towards the middle of the board he moved his Necro up the middle away from both parties. I did have a very weak party that was losing up the middle so maybe he was moving forward into range to cast the reanimate. Not sure but it did look like he was avoiding my advance.
Ok. Figured I would start with the scenarios for the hell of it. I beat the first two but the third is a bitch! Your in swamp, with lots of undead and a necromancer. I tried to stick together, split up, archer heavy, melee heavy, mixed, and for the love of God I cannot get anywhere near the necromancer to kill him. I am guessing that is key as he keeps reanimating the dead every time I slay them.
Loot the weapons from the undead once you kill them, they will only be able to bite your armor once they reanimate.
Went back to one of my saved games and ended up that I took a quest to escort a caravan a long way, ran out of money I. The way and most of my party bailed. So going to restart this again. But the question is how hard is it to negotiate some money upfront to pay your party enroute?
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