Battle Brothers -- bloody addictive game

I don't think you ever get good enough in this game to steamroll every battle. My men are pretty well geared ("kitted up") and I still occasionally lose battles. This is just a hard game, but I really like it.
Also RNG will screw you over eventually.
Are there like hero opponents, like really badass brigand warriors that are kitted up and just pound you like you are bent over?
There are named opponents. They are tougher and have better equipment. I've acquired a couple of legendary items from their corpses.
Good on you! I only seem to collect ass whuppings from them. It would help if I had a machine gun like when I was with mTk's group ...and the ammo... ;)
Getting whittle down. After destroying two brigand bands fairly efficiently, apparently the survivors joined forces and came at us again while we were trying to get somewhere to get healed. Geez, we got kicked in. this game is hard, even on easy. But I am getting "gud"...LOL
The game sometimes is just plain nasty and extra devious.
... ran into a bunch of about 8 or 10 ordinary bandit thugs — I thought piece of cake, training day battle, gain some xp points and some loot — three of them came at me armed only with daggers (and obviously some serious knife skills) — slash, slash - within seconds, two of my guys down on ground bleeding to death with cut throats and one more seriously wounded, before my pikemen and archers cut them down as a priority target.
Lost one of my most experienced brothers of that group.
Was so pissed off, I think I cursed at the pc screen :ROFLMAO:

No saving either — was playing in Iron mode.
Yeah, I know I lost some members but it was a deal where after the second brigand group I was like "Man, I need to get this group somewhere so we can heal" after looking at the clock and going "I need to go to bed". So what happens? Boom, get jumped by a band of brigands and the fight was on. Not sure how many I lost because as soon as the battle was over I saved and went to bed. I guess I better take stock of the company tonight time permitting.
What are “Unholders”? They wiped me out, well 3 guys retreated and at that point I retired. Damn game sent all kinds of bad guys across my path and it was unavoidable. Game AI is brutal.
What are “Unholders”? They wiped me out, well 3 guys retreated and at that point I retired. Damn game sent all kinds of bad guys across my path and it was unavoidable. Game AI is brutal.

Very unpleasant ... giants that regenerate and heal partially if wounded ... and have brute strength -- hate fighting them as you'll so often end up with guys with broken limbs even if well-armoured... nasty.

Okay to fight in ones, two or maybe threes in mid to late game -- avoid like plague in early campaign.
No saving either — was playing in Iron mode.

I bought this game based on this thread and love it. For some reason I only play on Iron mode. Its tough, I have taken beating after beating but I like it that way. I invested in the two expansions the other day and they add a lot to the base game. I think the enemy tactics has improved with the expansions, the enemy hesitates more forcing me to come to them. Inventory management is a bit of a pain though.

Last night my Cultists, the Duvdal Brother's (or something like that), got wiped to a man by 13 spiders. I had 10 guys around about level 3 to 6 mostly melee and pike weapons. I had smashed some smaller groups of the spiders before this. It was my first *** challenge. About half of them came in on the first swarm I got webbed up but kept hurting them they were always had one unit more than me and they dribbled in their forces after the initial rush. This meant I had to stand in position and wait for them normally a good thing for my guys but the poison started to take effect and they got onto the high ground. My best guy had two above him was webbed up and poisoned. There were two of them left at the end.

Its a shame they do not have an archive of your old groups that you can look back on and see how long you lasted and on what map, etc.

Time to try out as the Northern Barbarian's.
Its a shame they do not have an archive of your old groups that you can look back on and see how long you lasted and on what map, etc.

I thought there was, ther is a dead list and it has info on how long they served. I could be wrong it's been a while since I played.
We have a FGM tradition were we name characters after members here.

I thought there was, ther is a dead list and it has info on how long they served. I could be wrong it's been a while since I played.
We have a FGM tradition were we name characters after members here.


Yeah I have seen that. :D Such a brutal game, it hurts me when my favorites die.I couldn't do it to you fellas..

My Barbarians (Loki Brothers) just got slaughtered in some swamps east of civilization. Twenty four days in, three barbarians about level 4/5 plus one other and a few newbs (10 in all). Four goblin riders lured me in, they were actually fleeing from me. When the map appeared I was stuck in the middle of a large pool with one flank at the edge. A mad rush ensued to the edge. They ran rings around my exhausted company. :cool:

Again I noticed a chnage in the AI. A few peasant groups actually charged me outright most of them unarmed whereas others previously held back. Same with caravan guards, most defended nut one group charged. Good stuff.
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